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“Hey, I’m not into that.” I shook my head quickly. “I don’t have a problem with guys that like other guys, but I’m not interested.”

“That’s not what I meant. The only person you’ll have to worry about is her.” He motioned to Lyric.

“Is this some sort of prostitution thing?” I tilted my head. “I’m not interested in that, either.”

“It’s definitely not prostitution. I promised her something special and you look like the kind of guy that doesn’t hold anything back. In fact, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to make good on that promise until you walked up.” He moved one seat closer. “Come back to my room with us. It’ll be just the three of us and you can do anything to her that you want as long as you don’t hurt her.”

“You’re fucking serious.” I blinked and quickly guzzled what was left on my beer.

“I am.” He nodded quickly.

“Fuck it. I’m never coming back to New York. I might as well see how you fuckers live at least once while I’m here.” I sat my empty beer bottle on the bar.

For a woman like that, I’ll experiment a little.

Chapter 8: Lyric

“This is Lenny.” Maximo walked up with a rather rugged looking guy following him.

“Hi, Lenny.” I extended my hand and looked at Maximo. “Are you arranging my dates now?”

“I promised you something special. This is what I was talking about.” Maximo motioned to Lenny. “He’s coming back to my suite with us.”

“Don’t we have to trade pins or something?” I tilted my head inquisitively.

“Just meet me by the elevator.” Maximo grinned and started walking towards the exit.

I watched as they left and then started making my way towards the door. I thought Simon wasn’t my type, but Lenny was about as far from my type as anyone I had ever met. He didn’t even say a word when we met. I wasn’t sure what Maximo had in mind, but I was curious. I didn’t know if Maximo wanted me to sleep with Lenny or if it was going to take a rather strange turn, but I was intrigued. I met them at the elevator and we rode up to Maximo’s suite in silence. Maximo didn’t try to kiss me or touch me, which was definitely different than the first night. We got to the suite and as soon as we walked in the door, Maximo started pouring drinks. I took a glass of wine, Lenny took a beer, and Maximo fixed a glass of whiskey for himself. We walked over to the couch and I sat next to Maximo while Lenny opted for a chair that was across from us.

“Tell us about yourself, Lenny. You said you’re from Kentucky?” Maximo was the first to speak once we were seated.

“Yeah.” Lenny nodded and started to drag his thumb along the edge of the label on his bottle of beer. “Born and raised. I live a pretty simple life. If I can’t make it, I don’t want it.”

“But, I mean—you have to have money, right? You can’t make everything.” Maximo tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

“Heh, yeah.” Lenny nodded. “I guess you could say my family’s real trade is keeping glasses full.” He lifted his beer.

“Oh, you’re a moonshiner.” Maximo chuckled. “I haven’t had good moonshine in a long time.”

“I smelled it once.” I raised my eyebrows and cringed. “It definitely didn’t inspire me to drink it.”

“We’re a little more sophisticated than we were in my grandfather’s time.” Lenny shrugged and sipped his beer. “We cater to what our customers want, and most want watered down, flavored versions of what we used to sell.”

I knew Maximo didn’t invite Lenny to his suite to talk about his life, and I was really curious to find out what he had in mind. Lenny was attractive for sure. He had a rugged, rough look to him that was nothing like Maximo or Simon. His shirt was pulled tight across muscles that I suspected were not made in a gym. It was intriguing, but as long as Maximo was there, I was willing to try anything. The wine definitely helped. I could tell that Lenny wasn’t comfortable talking about his life. He went through several beers before the conversation dwindled off. I looked over at Maximo and he gave me a smile that caused me to wish we were alone.

“So, Lenny.” Maximo tilted his head. “Lyric here is sort of exploring her sexual desire for the first time. She came to the World Ball as a virgin, and I was her first.”

“Is that right?” Lenny blinked and nodded.

“I’m trying to help her on this journey, and I thought you might be interested in helping as well.” Maximo scooted closer to me.

“I”m up for anything.” Lenny shrugged.

“Lyric, why don’t you go over there and help Lenny get more comfortable. Maybe show him that your delicious lips can do more than sip wine.” Maximo motioned towards Lenny.

I had never done what Lenny suggested. I wasn’t even sure how to do it. I had a basic understanding, but I was still concerned that I would be fairly awful at it. I put on my best face and walked over, trying to appear seductive, even though I had no idea how. I knelt down between Lenny’s thighs and when I ran my hands along the inside of his jeans, I saw a hunger come to life in his eyes. I reached for his belt and started to unfasten it. His cock started to get hard in his pants and I rubbed it through the denim. I was completely out of my element. Lenny lifted when I got his pants unfastened so I could slide them down his extremely well built thighs.

“So you just like to watch?” Lenny looked over at Maximo.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic