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“Turn around and take your punishment like a good girl—if

I have to drag you over to the bed, I might be tempted to give you more than one.” He tried to put a serious expression on his face, but I could still see his smile hiding behind his beard.

“Okay, fine.” I turned around. “Just one…”


“There, now you’ve been properly punished.” He let go of my wrist.

“So, I get my driving privileges back?” I cocked my head and grinned.

“What? No.” He shook his head back and forth quickly. “That was just for calling me old.”

“Oh…” I looked down at the floor for a moment. “How many to get the keys to the Porsche?”

“Seriously?” He raised his eyebrows. “You want me to spank you instead of taking away your car keys for a week?”

“No.” I raised my head and smiled. “I was just messing around. I don’t want you to really spank me.”

“Well, now I know what to do the next time you misbehave.” He winked at me and walked towards the door.

I’m not sure if he was joking about that—or if he was serious…

The next day

I woke up the next morning with a little bit of sweat on my brow—and I knew why. I had a rather vivid dream. Greyson was upset with me over something, and he was chasing me around the house like the guy in the horror movie we watched. I wasn’t going to get killed if he caught me though—I was going to get spanked. It was a weird dream, to say the least, but when I shifted to the edge of the bed, I realized that my panties were wet. My forehead might have been damp from sweat, but that wasn’t why my panties were soaked all the way through.

Daddy issues galore—now I’m getting turned on by the thought of him spanking me.

I went to the bathroom and decided to take a bath instead of a shower. I didn’t have anywhere to be, and it wasn’t like I could take the Porsche out for a spin. I filled the tub with soapy water and climbed into it. It really did feel amazing. The tub we had at my house in Chicago wasn’t one that you could really take a bath in. It wasn’t dirty, it was just old, and the stopper didn’t hold the water in very well. It also didn’t have jets—which I turned on as soon as I was submerged. They felt really good against my back, and I laid there for several minutes before finally shifting—which caused one of the jets to shoot a stream of water right between my legs.

“Oh wow…” I swallowed hard and looked around like I had just been caught doing something really dirty.

I was alone—and the jet really did feel good when it sprayed my pussy—especially after the dream I had. I shifted until I found the right spot and smiled when it started to send pleasure through my veins. I didn’t get to masturbate much at home. I shared a room with my sister, who was planning to live there until her boyfriend finally did pop the question. I had the freedom to do that in Greyson’s house—in the privacy of my own room at least.

I guess it won’t hurt anything. Maybe it’ll get my mind off Greyson.

That was a foolish thought, because when I slid my fingers down to my clit, he was the only thing I started thinking of. My inexperience probably played a big part in that. I was still a virgin—and no guy had even tried to take my cherry. I had crushes and went on a few dates, including the major events in high school like Homecoming and Prom, but there was no real spark with any of those guys. Greyson was just—different. He brought something to life inside of me that I had never really felt before. I would never have him—I wouldn’t even know how to try to make a move if I thought he was interested.

A fantasy is all I have, so I might as well enjoy it.

I imagined myself with Greyson—I imagined letting him catch me like he tried to do in my dream. Would he spank me, or did he have another reason for wanting to pull my panties down? Both options excited me. I didn’t want to be punished; I just wanted the playfulness I got the previous night. I’d call him old again if that’s what it took.

My fingers massaged my clit while the water teased me. The combination was incredible. I imagined Greyson’s hands on my body—his lips against my skin—and then I felt a pressure start to build up inside me. It was going to be a big one. It had been weeks since I made myself cum. I rubbed my clit a little faster once the pressure started to build. It felt so good that I didn’t want it to end, but I needed the release. The pressure peaked along with the pleasure and then my body started to shake. I suppressed my moans. I was pretty sure I was alone in the house, but I didn’t want to risk it.

Oh god, that feels so good!

My orgasm made my pussy spasm, which felt a little odd with the water spraying it, but it was still pleasurable. Once it was over, I kept my eyes closed and enjoyed the jets, but I shifted so that it wasn’t hitting me in the spot that made me cum. I let the afterglow mix with the warm water for about twenty minutes before I finally finished my bath and rinsed off with the shower. The evidence of my trip to paradise was washed away and I felt oddly refreshed. The edge had been taken off, which was exactly what I needed.

Now I have to find something to do until Greyson gets home… At least the rest of my stuff will arrive today. I’ll have some more boxes to unpack.



“Lauren, did Ricky make it to practice today?” I peeked my head out of my office. “I just got a news alert—someone posted an article about him.”

“I saw it. If you would read your email, you’d see that I already sent you a synopsis.” She turned towards me and raised her eyebrows. “It’s nothing—just a fluff piece about the next game.”

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic