Page 31 of Daddy's Best Friend

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“Yeah, but we’re not going to a party. I promise.” I leaned forward and nudged him. “You told me I should go out and have some fun.”

“I did.” He nodded the concern shifted to a slight smile. “Just remember to be home by eleven.”

“No words of wisdom or—warnings?” I tilted my head slightly.

“I trust you to make good decisions and stay out of trouble.” He shrugged. “You know the rules and what the consequences are.”

“I do…” I nodded in agreement. “I’ll see you tonight—don’t wait up!”

“I will be waiting up.” He narrowed his eyes and growled under his breath. “You better be home on time.”

“I’m teasing you. I will be home before eleven.” I laughed as I walked towards the garage door.

I was a little conflicted when I left Greyson’s house. I definitely planned on following the rules, but at the same time—it had been several days since I had gotten in any sort of trouble. Being spanked when I did something wrong wasn’t exactly pleasant, but it still had a strange effect on me. I liked it and hated it at the same time. I was doing my best to say on my side of the line Greyson put between us, but there was a lingering need that was never going to be satisfied if he was nothing more than my Daddy. Being over his knee might have been enough to bring me to tears when I was being punished, but there was still something about it that turned me on. The thought of coming home and finding myself over his knee for doing something wrong made me tingle.

I’m sure I’ll find myself in that position regardless—sooner or later. I probably shouldn’t push my luck…

“Okay, we’re definitely taking your Porsche.” Meghan smiled as we walked outside of her apartment. “Can I drive?”

“Uh—no.” I shook my head back and forth. “I’m borrowing it from a friend.”

I guess that’s the best way to describe Greyson to someone I don’t know.

“I want friends that loan me expensive cars…” Meghan walked over to the passenger side door as I unlocked the car.

“It’s more of a family friend.” I slid behind the steering wheel and looked over at her. “He’s letting me stay with him while I go to school.”

“So you’re not rich?” She raised an eyebrow.

“No.” I laughed and shook my head. “I wish.”

I told Meghan about my life in Chicago as I drove us downtown. Her story was similar, but she didn’t lose her father when she was young like I did. She had a normal middle-class upbringing sprinkled with an average dose of teenage rebellion. Her parents were paying for her apartment and student loans were paying for her education. She decided to pursue a Sports Management degree because she wanted to be a Sports Analyst. It started as a hobby when she watched Baseball with her father, and she had actually written several articles that had been published before she even graduated from high school. I began to realize that she wasn’t just sitting on the back row because she was uninterested in our classes, she just learned things a lot easier than I did—her downfall was test anxiety—which is why she wasn’t able to land a scholarship.

“Wow.” Meghan leaned forward. “I’ve never seen so many stores that I recognize from movies in one place at the same time…”

“Where do you want to look first?” I looked over at her.

“All of them.” She raised her eyebrows and laughed.

I found a parking spot and we started checking out the stores. We did some window shopping, actually went inside a few of them, and put a lot of wear on the bottom of our tennis shoes. We didn’t see anyone famous, but there were plenty of false-sightings along the way. Meghan was absolutely certain she saw Brad Pitt, but after we followed the guy into a store, we realized that it wasn’t him. It really was a lot of fun. We grabbed dinner at a small cafe and kept checking out the stores until we were ready to stop staring at expensive things we couldn’t afford.

“This has been a lot of fun.” Meghan leaned over and nudged me as we walked back to the car. “Too bad we can’t go into one of those clubs and get a drink.”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I don’t really drink.”

“God, you’re such a goody-two-shoes.” Meghan giggled and opened the passenger side door. “You don’t smoke, you don’t drink—I bet you’re still a virgin.”

“Uh…” I looked down at the pavement.

“You are!? Oh my god.” Meghan rolled her eyes as she sat down in the passenger seat.

“Why is that a bad thing?” I slammed my door and looked over at her. “I just haven’t met anyone…”

That’s not entirely true, but the one I’d love to be with wants to keep a line between us.

“Okay, we did your version of fun this weekend. Next weekend—you’re coming out with me.” Megh

an narrowed her eyes. “I’ll show you how to have some real fun.”

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic