Page 26 of Daddy's Best Friend

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Lorrie: Get in any trouble?

Chrissy: No! Never! :)

Lorrie: Right… I bet you will be partying until dawn and then sleeping off your hangover in your first class tomorrow.

Chrissy: Nah, I’m trying to do things a little different now.

Lorrie: Wow! Well, don’t forget to call home! Mom misses you.

Chrissy: I’ll call her tonight! Promise!

I dropped off my stuff in my room and changed into some comfortable clothes. Greyson wasn’t home, so I had a couple of hours to myself. I considered a trip to the pool, or a movie in the theater downstairs, but I was feeling pretty lazy. I decided to just watch Netflix and relax on the couch. Several of my shows had new seasons available, so I picked my favorite and started watching. I got through two full episodes and part of a third before Greyson got home. I paused my show and sat up on the couch as he walked into the living room.

“How did your first day of school go?” He walked to the liquor cabinet and poured a glass of Scotch.

“It was good—apparently better than the day you just had if you’re pouring a drink the second you walk through the door.” I raised my eyebrows in concern.

“One of my clients caused a few problems.” He exhaled sharply. “Nothing major. I want to hear about your day.”

Greyson at down on the couch and I told him about my first day of college. I couldn’t deny that he was right about my brand. I felt like I was off to a good start. The professors noticed that I was attentive—and the other students did as well, judging by my interaction with Meghan. I told him about her too—how she was like looking in a mirror and helped me realize that he had helped me find the right version of myself to present as I began the next chapter of my life. Greyson seemed pleased and seeing a smile on his face brought one to mine. I wished he would tell me more about what was bothering him, but I didn’t want to pry—especially if I had already managed to make him smile.

“So, did you take care of all your homework?” He sipped his Scotch and raised his eyebrows inquisitively.

“It’s too early in the year for that.” I shook my head back and forth.

“The professors didn’t give you a syllabus outlining your assignments this semester?” He tilted his head slightly.

“They did—but I don’t have anything due until next week.” I shrugged. “Today was just about meeting everyone and finding out what I would be learning.”

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“Yes, and it should also be the day you get started on all of your assignments.” He looked towards the television. “You’ll have plenty of time to catch up your shows when you get a break.”

“Okay, point taken.” I nodded. “I definitely need to get better about procrastination. I’ll start them when I get home tomorrow.”

“Or—you could go work on them now while we wait for dinner.” He motioned towards the stairs. “I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

“Fine…” I sighed. “I guess I’ll go get started.”

So much for a relaxing evening…

I carried my school stuff upstairs and set my laptop up. I read through a couple of syllabuses, but I had trouble focusing. There were lots of stuff to do, but while I hated procrastination in high school, I also thrived on it. I could put all of my focus where it needed to be when there was a deadline in front of me. Trying to get in that mindset when I didn’t have a deadline to meet felt foreign. Instead of working on my assignments, I just browsed social media, updated my Facebook status, and started chatting with Amanda. Her classes started a week before mine and she wanted to tell me about all the hot guys she met. I chatted with her until dinner was ready, and then went downstairs to eat with Grayson.

“Were you able to make any progress?” Greyson looked up at me as I walked into the dining room.

“Yeah.” I nodded quickly. “I’ve got the foundation in place at least.”

“Good, well after we finish eating, you can go upstairs and work on it some more.” He smiled and started serving our food.

“Okay…” I nodded. “That sounds good.”

I really didn’t want to go back upstairs and waste more time, but it was the only option he presented me. I couldn’t help but wonder if he would have been so concerned about my education if I hadn’t asked him to be my Daddy. I wanted to keep watching television, go for a swim, or possibly watch a movie in the theater. All of my options might not have captivated my interest when I got home from college, but they were all better than spending the evening upstairs studying. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like I had much choice. I went to my room, called my Mom, and once the call was over, I got distracted by social media again. I played a few games on Facebook and aimlessly looked at people’s pages until I heard Greyson’s footsteps on the stairs.

“Are you wrapping things up?” Greyson walked into my room. “It’s getting late.”

“Late?” I looked at the clock in the corner of my laptop screen. “It’s not even ten o’clock.”

“You need your rest.” He tilted his head slightly. “You don’t want to be one of the kids sleeping in the back of the class tomorrow morning.”

Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic