Page 17 of Daddy's Best Friend

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“Is that so?” I chuckled under my breath. “I think you wanted me to catch you…”

“Maybe…” She squirmed a little bit and seemed to—actually get comfortable over my knee.

I’m not going to be able to fight this. I’ve—totally lost control. She is begging me to spank her—but does she want a few quick smacks or something more.

“Maybe while you’re here, we should talk about all that naughty behavior I saw in your Box of Shame.” I pulled my breath into my lungs and held it there—almost afraid of how she would respond.

“That was years ago…” She exhaled sharply and I heard a slight whimper. “I’ve been a good girl since then.”

“That’s—highly debatable.” I looked down at her ass, practically entranced with the sight of it. “It’s going to sting a little bit more than it did last time—these pajama pants aren’t as thick as your jeans.”

“Especially if you punish me for what I did in high school…” She sighed and looked over her shoulder at me—it wasn’t just a playful stare; her eyes were burning with desire.

Fuck—the line is already crossed, and I don’t think I can get back across it. She definitely can’t…

“Is that what you want?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Maybe just—one thing I did wrong.” She bit down on her lip and practically started to tremble.

She wants it—but she’s struggling. I’ll try to gently ease her into it. She’ll figure out whether or not she likes it, and if she actually wants—discipline.

“We can start with the cheating.” I looked down at her ass. “If I was going to punish you for pulling the fire extinguisher, I’d have to pull your pajama pants down—and you’d be here twice as long.”

“That bad, huh?” She bit down on her lip again and pulled the edge of it into her teeth.

“Definitely.” I nodded. “Not the worst thing you’ve done—but worthy of feeling the sting through nothing more than a thin pair of panties.”

She didn’t have a negative reaction to that. I guess I can push a little further—we’re already so far past the line now that it doesn’t matter.

“Okay…” She exhaled sharply.

“Of course, if I was going to punish you for smoking…” I let my words trail off for a second.

“You’d have to pull my panties down for that, wouldn’t you?” She trembled a little harder.

Fuck, she got there on her own? She really does want this…

“That’s right.” I nodded. “That spanking would hurt a lot worse. It would be one that you wouldn’t forget the next time your friend showed up and tried to be a bad influence.”

“Okay, then I guess I’m just going to be spanked for cheating—this time.” She squirmed a little more.

This time? She hasn’t even felt my hand and she’s already planning her next trip across my knee.

It had been a long time since I had a woman across my knee begging to be punished. I had to remind myself that what was about to happen was very new for Chrissy, and there was a chance she had a fantasy that wouldn’t match reality. I was fine with that. The line wasn’t just crossed, it was totally gone. I had to give her a spanking and make sure it was a taste of actual discipline. If she didn’t want it, I would stop. There was no need for a safe-word. She didn’t know how to use one and real discipline wouldn’t have an escape option. It was better to just read her body language and hold back if it was too much for her to handle. I was pretty sure that the girl inside her that needed a Daddy was reaching out to me—and she did want to get a spanking that left her with a little redness when she looked in the mirror later.


“Ow!” She squirmed a little bit. “I definitely feel it a lot more through my pajama pants!”

“I told you that you would.” I nodded and lifted my hand.


“Owww…” Her response was a little more drawn out and I heard a slight whimper.

“Why don’t you tell me why you’re getting spanked?” I lifted my hand again.


Tags: Kelli Callahan Erotic