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“I’m gonna cum!” I felt the pressure getting so intense that it felt like a tight ball inside me.

“Just let it go.” He kissed my neck again. “Don’t hold back.”

I couldn’t have held back if I wanted to, but I still tried. The moment when the pressure felt like it was going make me burst was pure bliss. The continued thrusting sent me over the edge and there was nothing I could do but hold onto his powerful arms and shake. My body simply melted into his lust and my orgasm consumed me. Every muscle in my body tightened for a moment and then relaxed at the same time. My pussy seemed to spasm, massaging his cock as he drove it as deep as he could. The steady thrusting didn’t stop and when the peak of pleasure faded, I suddenly felt the pressure building up again.

“I’m gonna cum again!” There was a mixture of shock and euphoria etched on my face as I realized another one was coming.

He didn’t say anything, but he leaned back and his eyes spoke volumes. They were so intense that I felt entranced. A bead of sweat had formed along the edge of his brow and his breaths got hurried. His cock seemed to swell and then it began to throb inside me. His thrusts got more erratic and there was almost a primal growl in his throat as he chased his release. The sensation of his pulsating cock made me start to orgasm uncontrollably. Suddenly, I heard a throaty growl followed by a loud gasp. I felt his dick begin to spasm. The condom caught his seed, but I felt a warm sensation as it ballooned inside me. His thrusts started to slow down as he reached his climax and the last of his manhood was drained from him.

“That was amazing.” I felt my whole body going numb as I lay on the floor. “I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on that for so long.”

“Give me a little credit.” He smiled and slowly withdrew, sinking onto the floor beside me. “It wouldn’t have been nearly as amazing with someone else.”

“Oh, you think so?” I grinned and turned towards him.

“I know it.” He ran his hands down my stomach. “Plus, I’ve barely gotten started. I’m going to cum as many times as you have before I’m done.”

“I’ve got a pretty big head start.” I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

“I guess I’ll just have to catch up.” His lips moved towards my neck again and started kissing me with the same fury as before.

Chapter 6: Cody

“Then sun is coming up.” Johanna’s sweaty body hit the sheets as another round of passion concluded.

“So it is...” I stood up and walked to the window.

I was completely exhausted and I felt like every muscle in my body had been pushed to the limit, including my cock. There was something about Johanna that just made me want more. I had never ejaculated that many times in one night, even when I was a horny teenager discovering masturbation for the first time. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to do it again. I definitely couldn’t match Johanna’s rocket-fueled orgasm spree. I sat down in the chair next to the window and watched the beauty of her naked body stretched out in glow of morning. I needed to go home and get a few hours of sleep before work, but it was inevitable that I was going to be late.

“Where are you going?” Johanna’s eyes parted when I finally stood up and started walking towards the bedroom door.

“I’d love to crawl back into bed with you, but I need to go home and try to get a little bit of sleep.” I smiled and leaned against the door frame.

“You can sleep here.” She stretched out and reached for me. “Please don’t leave me yet.”

I had technically already spent the night, which was something I never did. If we were in my apartment, I would have been pushing her out the door. The thought of trying to ride my motorcycle home as exhausted as I was didn’t seem very appealing, so I walked across the room and collapsed onto the bed next to her. She snuggled against my chest and I wrapped my arms around her beautiful body. There was something peaceful about it. I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want to leave at all. I finally closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

“YOU’RE LATE AGAIN! I swear to fucking Christ!” My father’s anger was raging when I tossed my cigarette on the ground and walked into the shop.

“It was a long night.” I blinked and tried to focus my tired eyes on the cars waiting on me.

“Yeah, I bet.” My mother laughed and shook her head. “I haven’t seen you walk in her with a smile like that in a while.”

It took several cups of coffee and a lot of nicotine to get the fog out of my head. When it was gone and I started working on the first car, my thoughts went back to Johanna. Leaving was always easy. Kicking girls to the curb after I blew my load was even easier. There was something different about Johanna. It was a new desire. I wanted to see her again. It wasn’t just the sex I craved, even though it was amazing. It was the feeling of having her in my arms, the dash of innocence in her gorgeous emerald eyes, and the way she smiled when she felt things she had never felt before. I could have replaced the music blaring in the shop with a soundtrack of her gentle laughter and never got tired of hearing it.

“Pick up the pace, you lazy son of a bitch.” My father slammed a bottle of oil down on the toolbox next to me. “We shouldn’t have to miss dinner because you got your dick wet last night.”

“Why don’t you go ahead and go.” I turned towards him and put my hands on my hips. “I can finish up here.”

“Like I can trust you with that!” He glared angrily at me.

“Come on, honey. This is going to be his shop one day. I think he can manage it for a few hours.” My mother walked up and put her hand on my father’s arm.

“Fine, but try not to burn the place down!” My father’s face relaxed slightly and he put his arm around my mother.

I deserved his anger. It was my fault that the work was behind. I worked until my muscles were long past exhausted, turning coffee into a ritual that occurred almost hourly. When the last car was finally done, I was dead on my feet. I closed the shop and got on my motorcycle. I needed to go home and I really just wanted to feel my own bed, but there was something pulling me in a different direction. I drove to her apartment building and rode the elevator, feeling my eyes practically closing before I finally got to her floor. I wasn’t even sure if she would be home. In the blur of morning we didn’t even think to exchange cell phone numbers.

“Johanna?” I tapped on her door lightly and called her name.

Tags: Kelli Callahan Nevada Bad Boys Erotic