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We ate and barely talked as we put away our food. I could tell that she was famished. She practically devoured her grilled cheese and the tater tots didn’t last long. The waitress refilled our coffee and she immediately started drinking it once it had adequate sugar. Her demeanor perked up a little bit and she seemed happier than she was when the alcohol started to wear off. It was getting late and I really didn’t even have time to hook up with anyone if I wanted to get any sleep, but I wasn’t exactly known for making it to work on time.

“Can I give you a ride home?” We stepped out into the night air with our stomachs full of greasy grandeur.

“I don’t know...” She looked over at my motorcycle. “I should probably just take the bus.”

“The bus at this hour?” I raised my eyebrows. “You’ll be safer on the back of my motorcycle.”

“I’m not sure if that inspires confidence.” She walked over to my motorcycle and stared at it. “Okay, screw it. Why not?”

She gave me her address and the engine roared to life again. We were going to have to take one of the main roads, even though her apartment wasn’t very far away. That allowed me to really pick up speed and she squeezed me as tight as she could. She leaned forward and let her chin rest on my shoulder. Even though she appeared to be terrified at times, I could hear a faint giggle as I picked up speed. We finally arrived at her apartment and I brought the motorcycle to a stop near the door.

“So are you going to park this thing and come inside or just leave?” She pulled off her helmet and tilted her head with a smile.

“You tell me.” I pulled off my helmet. “What do you want?”

“I don’t want you to go.” She reached out and put her hand on mine.

“Then I guess I’m going to park it.” I nodded and started the engine up again.

I had no idea if the night was about to become even more interesting or if she was just being polite. As tempting as she was, I still had the concern in the back of my mind that she was a virgin. She was hot as hell, but a virgin came with a lot of complications. It was why I had always steered clear of them. I didn’t need drama. I just needed to get my dick wet and move on when the night was over. I walked back towards the apartment building and she motioned for me to follow. My eyes instantly locked on her perfect heart shaped ass. I had seen every inch of it—memorized it even. I caught up to her once we were in the lobby and when she hit the button on the elevator, she turned towards me.

“I’m not very sleepy. I should be exhausted by this point.” She looked over her shoulder as the elevator opened.

“Guzzling coffee will do that to you.” I followed her into the elevator and she hit the button that would take us to her floor.

“Yeah, I guess I’m not much of a coffee drinker either.” She stood next to the door and waited as the elevator sped past several floors.

“I bet there are a lot of things you don’t have much experience with.” I wrapped my arms around her and pressed my lips to her neck. “Has anyone ever kissed you here?”

“Not long enough for it to matter.” She let out a sigh and leaned against me.

“How about here?” I let my lips drift up to her ear and nibbled it.

“No...” A louder sigh rushed across her lips.

“I could do this all night.” I moved my hand up her abdomen and squeezed her left breast. “But I’d love to do a whole lot more.”

The elevator doors opened before she responded and she started walking toward her apartment. I wanted her so bad that my cock was already getting hard in my pants. I didn’t really do seduction. I was used to girls that spread their legs at the mention of dick. They didn’t need anything to get turned on but the promise of an orgasm. I followed her to the door of her apartment and waited as she unlocked it. I tried to wrap my arms around her again once we were inside, but she evaded me and took a step to the side.

“What kind of girl do you think I am?” She had a coy smile on her face as she turned to face me.

“I think you’re the kind of girl that has never shared your bed with a man.” I took a step towards her and put my hands on her hips when she didn’t try to evade again.

“Does that bother you?” She looked up at me with her beautiful emerald eyes wide with concern.

“I wouldn’t be here if it was enough to stop me.” I slid my hands around to her ass and pulled her close. “You want it as bad as I do.”

I leaned in and kissed her. She was timid at first, with her body getting rigid when she felt my lips. I pulled the edge of her shirt up and pushed my hand underneath it. My lips turned slightly and she finally reciprocated. Our tongues started to swirl together and I crushed her lips with my hunger. She seemed to melt into my arms as we kissed. I held her close, letting my hands move across her body as we continued to tease each other with our lips. She was breathing heavily when I finally pulled back and started tugging on her shirt.

Chapter 5: Johanna

I had no idea what came over me. The feelings that started to drive me towards Cody at an accelerated pace were new. It was refreshing to feel so much passion and desire. I had never felt that with Scott. He seemed content living under the umbrella of religion his father put over us. I

stayed underneath it because I cared about him so much. In Cody’s arms, I felt like a new woman. I felt like the years of repressed sexuality were exploding inside of me. His kiss was like fireworks in my head. His touch was like electricity on my skin. There was turmoil inside me, but I didn’t want him to stop.

“Should we take this to the bedroom?” I never imagined myself saying those words, but they flowed out of my mouth as Cody pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor.

“Who needs a bedroom?” Cody slid his hands along my exposed abdomen and squeezed my breasts through my bra. “I’ll fuck you right here.”

Tags: Kelli Callahan Nevada Bad Boys Erotic