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I didn’t want a big wedding. I had my fill of that—twice. All I wanted was to exchange rings and say my vows to the man I loved. It was a very small ceremony at the courthouse in front of a judge with Cody and his parents. None of us really dressed up for the occasion and it was absolutely perfect. Ten months later, we were losing sleep and taking care of our son. I couldn’t have been happier.

“It’s your turn.” I nudged Cody when I heard William crying from the other room.

“Ugh, I have to work tomorrow.” He rolled over and put his hand on his ear.

“Fine...” I shook my head and got out of bed.

It was a good thing that I went because William appeared to be starving. I gave him my breast and let him suckle while I looked at my email. Despite everything that happened, I still let Mom and Dad know they were grandparents. It was more than they deserved, but I did love them, even if they were absolute monsters for keeping me prisoner. I was surprised to see a very long email from my mother in response to the picture I sent her.

Dear Johanna,

Thank you so much for sending us a picture of William. He looks just like Cody. Hopefully he’ll never have to ride a motorcycle down the aisle to claim his bride. I know you probably won’t believe this, but I’m proud of you for chasing your dreams and I’m incredibly sorry for everything we did. Words will never be enough to undo the damage; I know that.

After you left with Cody, things started to change in Dahlonega. Reverend Burke was forced to leave town in disgrace. The last we heard, he was heading up a church in Florida. I hope they don’t end up following him blindly like we did. A new preacher took over and he’s nothing like Reverend Burke. He’s young and seems to be more focused on making the town better than keeping us locked in the stone ages. He encourages us to challenge things that don’t make sense, and has talked a lot about free will versus God’s plan.

Scott came by and apologized to us for his part in what his father forced him to do. I know he really owes that apology to you, but I thought you should know he has shown remorse. He came out as gay after his father left, and now he’s planning to marry a man! We’ve never had a homosexual couple in Dahlonega. I know Reverend Burke said it was a sin, but our new preacher says we should be more tolerant—another part of embracing free will. It’s been hard, but we’re starting to see through the veil Reverend Burke put over our town. When the town learned what Sheriff James did to you, they called for his resignation. Apparently they weren’t quite as attached to Reverend Burke’s philosophy as we were.

I know your father and I should be in prison for what we did to you, and a lot of people here should be there with us. We’ll never be able to apologize enough, and I won’t contact you again unless you want me to. If you ever do want to see us again, we’ll gladly fly out to Reno so we can deliver our apology in person. If not, I understand. Your father sends his love.


It was too soon for me to consider accepting her apology, but I appreciated what she said in her email. It would take a long time for me to ever forgive her. I knew that.

William finally had his fill of my breast milk. I patted his back until he burped and fell asleep. I put him back in his crib and climbed into bed with Cody again. I snuggled up close to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“William okay?” He turned his head towards me.

“Yeah, he was just hungry.” I let my head rest against Cody’s back.

“I love you, Johanna.” He squeezed my hand.

“I love you too.” I kissed his back and moved my hand down his abdomen. “Since we’re already awake...”

“You’re going to make me late for work again.” He moaned as I rubbed his cock.

“You can’t be late when you’re the boss.” I kissed his back again.

“You’ve got a good point.” Cody rolled over and started kissing me.

The End

Tags: Kelli Callahan Nevada Bad Boys Erotic