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Ashton didn’t break my fall, though—his balls did.


I didn’t have to sink balls deep into Sage to see heaven. Fuck no. She made me see God with only her knee to my family jewels. I couldn’t fucking see straight as spots instantly danced around my eyes.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!”

The only sounds I could make were painful and filled with agony.

Is this what dying feels like?

“Oh my God! I was trying to jump your bones!”

I couldn’t speak. I could barely even think. Holding onto my most prized possessions, I laid on the floor and waited for I don’t know what.

“I’m going to get you some ice.” She rushed toward the bathroom. “Shit! Where’s your kitchen?”

I wanted to reply, but I couldn’t. Words couldn’t form out of my mouth when I felt like my balls were literally in my throat.

“Why the hell is your house so big?! You’re only one person!” She ran from one end of my home to the other, faster and faster she went, and if I weren’t laying on the ground dying in pain, I’d be laughing my ass off at how adorable she was right now.

Great, she knees me in the balls, and my dick still wants inside of her.

“Ashton! You have a jacuzzi in your bathroom! You think maybe we could—” She halted when she realized I was still in the same spot she’d left me in.


Dying on the fucking floor.

“Right! Ice! Where is your kitchen?”

I was able to nod toward the direction.


I heard my fridge open.

“You have the Samsung Smart Fridge! That’s so cool!”

I waited for what felt like forever as she slammed open and shut the drawers.

“For fuck’s sake, Sage! Just use a towel!”

“Oh! That’s right! I’m so sorry! I’m just so nervous, and I feel so bad! I’m coming!”

I resisted the urge to say, “Yeah, you would be, if you hadn’t taken me out.”

From the moment she got on her knees, setting the freezing cold ice on my balls I envisioned this scenario happening in a much different way.

However, when she added, “I’m so sorry, Ashton. Let me make it up to you,” my balls didn’t just ache. They now throbbed from wanting to take her up on that offer.

Chapter 9


“Hell of a defense tactic.”

“Well…” She leaned back, sitting on the heels of her stilettos. “Having a brother, you learn how to defend yourself. Are you alright?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

“Do you want me to take a look, maybe?”

“You want to look at my balls?”

“I mean, I could. If you needed me to.”

“No, Sage. The first time you see my dick isn’t going to be after you put him in a coma.” Sitting up, I groaned.

“Here, let me help you.” She stood, grabbing my hand. Carefully, I limped toward the couch.

Once I was sitting down, she plopped next to me. “Fair. Do you want me to leave then?”

“Do you want to leave?”

She shook her head.

“Good. Wasn’t going to let you.”

She smirked.

“So tell me about your brother.”

“Do you really want to know about my sibling?”

“Considering my balls are frozen, I don’t really have another option at the moment.”

“Right… Again, I’m so sorry.”

“You can’t help the fact that I have huge balls.”

She giggled, and it echoed off the walls. “I believe you. Being the hero and all, I imagine those big balls have come in handy. I feel so bad, though. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Now that’s a loaded question if I ever heard one. I can think of multiple things you could do for me.”

“For some reason, I don’t doubt that.”

“I’ve been meaning to tell you all night how beautiful you look. You were pretty when we were sixteen, but you’ve really become quite stunning.”

“How many girls have you said those exact words to, Ashton?”

“Sage, if you’re going to ask me that every time I pay you a compliment, then I’m going to have to show you how different you are from all the other girls.”

She blushed, but I could still see it in her eyes. She thought I was lying. Believe it or not, I wasn’t.

“Your opinion of me is going to give me a complex.”

“My opinion of you shouldn’t hold a high regard.”

“Is that right?” I pulled the hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ear. “Your opinion of me is the only one that matters. I can’t imagine I’m the first guy to tell you how beautiful you are.”

“You’d be surprised. I don’t date much.”

I didn’t know what I was expecting, what I wanted from her. This chick had haunted my dreams from the second I first saw her, and that thought alone terrified me. This wasn’t who I was. I didn’t care to learn about the women I was with. They were a quick fuck in the bathroom at a club, an impromptu blowy on the beach. I was a fuck ’em and leave ’em kind of man.

Tags: M. Robinson Playboy Pact Romance