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I nodded. “What do you think Memphis will say?”

“I’m the wrong person to ask this question. I think he’s a fucking idiot, so he will more than likely say the wrong thing. He’s moving soon, right?”

“Yeah. Ugh! What am I going to do? My parents are going to be so disappointed in me.”

“You did everything to make sure you were responsible. It isn't your fault Memphis has super sperm. Who would have thought?”

I leaned my head against the wall. “I should have left with Ashton.”

“Ashton?” She smirked. “You’re still thinking about him?”


“Does that mean I left a lasting impression?”

“Do you want to leave a lasting impression?”

I wondered if I left one on him like he obviously had on me too.

“If you are pregnant, your brother is going to murder Memphis. He didn’t even like that you were dating a senior. He’s going to shit a brick.”

The timer on Aspyn’s phone went off, alerting us that the three minutes were up. Call it intuition, a sixth sense, or maybe I just knew because I could already feel it.

I grabbed my belly as she flipped over the test. I didn’t have to ask her for the results.

It was evident.

Written clear as day across her face.

I was knocked up.

Chapter 6


Eight years later


I threw my toothbrush into the sink and sprinted toward Haven’s bedroom. “Oh my God! What—”

“Haiden flushed my Barbie down the toilet!” She sternly pointed at the floating doll that was headfirst down the toilet. “Look! She’s stuck, and she’s probably drowned now! I’m going to have to have a funeral for her!”

I breathed out a huge sigh of relief. “Must you scream like that, Haven? I thought something bad had happened.”

She stared at me with wide eyes. “Did you not hear what I just said? A funeral, Mom! I don’t have time to plan a funeral! I have ballet today!”

Out of both of them, Haven was definitely the dramatic one while her twin brother was the troublemaker.

Yes, you just heard that correctly.


I didn’t get pregnant with only one baby when I turned sixteen—I got knocked up with two. I had no idea my grandmother was a twin until the OBGYN said there were two heartbeats. At first, I thought I’d heard him incorrectly. After I’d passed out from the news, I was awoken with the reality that I’d be giving birth and responsible for two lives, not just one.

My mom didn’t have the best relationship with her mother, so no one thought it would be important to tell us that we had the twin gene in our bloodline.

I nodded. “I heard what you said. Let me see what I can do. Where is your brother?”

“MOMMMM!” she dragged out.

“Stay put,” I ordered before hurrying my way down the stairs. “Haiden! Where are you?”

“I’m out here, Mama!”

I went toward the backyard, and he came into view. “Haiden! How many times do I have to tell you that you can’t climb that tree when no one is watching you?”

“But, Mama! I’m the man of the house. I don’t need anyone watching me.”

Damn you, Brady!

My brother had been telling him he was the man of the house since before he could understand what it meant. Now, it was his answer for everything.

“Sage!” Aspyn shouted from the front door.

“I’m out back!”

I watched Haiden’s eyes light up as soon as he saw my best friend walk through the screen door. He had the biggest crush on her.

“Hey, little man.”

He jumped off the tree like the daredevil he was. My boy had no fear, and he had the scars to prove it. He was only seven and had already had stitches twice and almost broke his arm last summer. It didn’t matter how many times I told him he couldn’t fly off the swings, he was determined to prove me wrong.

Haiden strode over to Aspyn with the strut of a man.

Where did he get this shit from?

“Mom, my girlfriend is here now. You don’t have to watch me anymore. She can.”

“Haiden, she’s not your—”

She laughed, shaking her head. “I swear he has better swagger than most men I date.”

With a serious expression on his face, he simply stated, “I am a man.”

Before Aspyn could reply, Haven ran into her arms. “Aunt Aspyn! You’re just in time. We’re going to have a funeral today.”

Aspyn picked her up, hugging her close to her chest. Haven was small for her age. My family had a reoccurring joke that Haiden took all her nutrients. He was big for his age. Most people didn’t realize he was only seven until I told them. They were both wicked smart, though. I spent a lot of time with them, so did my family. They were advanced for their age.

After we found out I was pregnant with twins, my mom closed her business and helped me raise them. I was able to finish high school and graduate with my friends. Yet, I was still the cautionary tale of all of Tullahoma, and let me tell you…

Tags: M. Robinson Playboy Pact Romance