Page 19 of The Roleplayers

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There was just one problem: they had to convince Bruce.


Bitter Jupiter was as busy as it always was when Anne and Kayla waltzed in. It was Wednesday night and they were dressed to the nines, at least for this type of establishment. The bouncer nodded to Kayla, obviously remembering her unusual appearance the week before. She had come to Bitter Jupiter without realizing exactly what type of bar it was, and her teensy weensy dress hadn’t gone over the way she thought it would.

Tonight, she knew better.

Tonight, she was a slutty schoolgirl.

Bruce was sitting at the bar, right where he usually was, dressed in his favorite costume: a mummy. Kayla bit her lip as she remembered wanting to peel away the layers of fabric in order to slide his cock into her mouth. Bruce had been both gentle and passionate during their night together, making her cum and forcing her to experience sex in a new way.

Now she wanted to try something new.

And she wanted him to be there.

He looked up as the girls slid onto barstools on either side of him. Seemingly surprised, he cocked his head to the side and greeted them.

“Hello, ladies.”

“Hi Bruce,” Anne practically purred, sliding her hand onto his leg.

He looked at her hand, then at her, then back at her hand, then simply asked, “What are you playing at?”

“I’m not,” she said. “I have a proposition.”

“Oh?” Then he looked at Kayla and smiled. “Told her I was good, did ya?”

She couldn’t help but blush slightly. She absolutely had told Anne how good he was. She hadn’t left out a single detail, not even the fact that she was dying to have him again.

She just had to convince him.

Bruce had a lot to offer. He’d been going to Bitter Jupiter for years. The bar was known for its unusual clientele: no one came without a costume.

The bar tonight was filled with pirates, princesses, a dinosaur, and even a couple of bears. There was one girl dressed like a slutty nurse and even a girl dressed like a scientist. She was surrounded by sexy zombies. Kayla wondered what that was going to be like.

“I did,” Kayla said. “And now she wants to go for a ride.”

Bruce shot a questioning look at Anne, who simply shrugged.

“Is that really something you want to do?” He asked. “It could ruin our friendship.” It was a legitimate concern and Kayla thought it was good that Bruce addressed it. Having sex would definitely change their relationship, and maybe not for the better. Then again, it might open up a whole new world for Anne, and that's what the girls were counting on.

“Eh,” Anne looked at him right in the eyes. “We aren’t that close of friends.”

Bruce laughed and then asked what the girls had in mind. Anne leaned in and whispered to him, letting her tongue graze his cheek softly as she made her way up to his ear.

“We’re hot for teacher.”

“I know you don’t usually mix things up,” Kayla quickly added, not wanting Bruce to feel like they didn’t respect his own preferences. “But we were wondering if you’d maybe make an exception…you know, for Anne.”

He took a sip of his drink and seemed to be thinking about it. Kayla wondered what thoughts were racing through that head of his. Bruce wasn’t exactly the kind of guy who was going to just sit by and let two schoolgirls seduce him. He was always in full control. That was sort of his thing.

So Kayla was a little surprised when he put his glass down and said, “Sure. What the hell?”

“Eek!” Anne shrieked, jumping up and down. Her breasts nearly bounced out of her tiny white top as she did.

Kayla noticed.

Bruce noticed.

Tags: Sophie Stern Erotic