Page 16 of The Roleplayers

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"You guys have been friends for a long time," Kayla commented.

"We have," Anne agreed. "So maybe, if anything happens between the two of us, there should be a not-so-neutral third party there."'

Kayla raised an eyebrow. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," Anne said, "that maybe you and I should give mummy-boy a run for his money."

Kayla couldn't be sure, but she thought she saw the guy seated two tables over gasp. She wanted to offer to blow him to help him calm down, but that would have to wait. Right now she was planning her next sexcapade with Anne.

And it was gonna be a good one.


Kayla slid into office chair at work, feeling bored and dissatisfied. Her job was great. Really. It was good. She just felt like it was such a letdown to have an ordinary day after such a not-so-ordinary weekend. Being with Bruce had been insane. Talking about with Anne and hearing her reaction had been almost as crazy. Now it was time for Kayla to return to her normal life, and she wasn’t so sure how she felt about it.

Well, actually she was.

She felt disappointed.

She started pouring over the paperwork that her boss, Kevin, had left on the desk. He was a good boss and a hard worker, but Kayla was starting to wonder if being an assistant was really what she wanted to do with her entire life. After all, there was only so much room for growth at this company. She wondered, for the thousandth time, if it was more important to have a successful career or to find a job that made her happy.

And she just didn't know.

Her mother would have said that the choice was easy: marry a rich guy and be a stay-at-home wife or become a rich woman. To Kayla, things weren't quite so black-and-white. She didn't want to marry someone for his money. She didn't even know if she wanted to get married at all, but she definitely didn't want to get married for money.

But was working at Goodfax Associates really what she wanted to be doing? Was it really what she wanted to be doing forever?

As Kayla poured over order forms and paperwork, she couldn't help letting her thoughts drift to the weekend she'd shared with Bruce. The way his body had perfectly meshed with hers had been fantastic. The way she'd been able to completely let herself go had been fantastic. Hell, even the way they'd flirted at dinner before heading back to his place had been fantastic.

She wondered, for a moment, what it would be like to watch Anne and Bruce together.

Kayla had seen people fuck before. Hadn't everyone done that during college? She had never seen Anne, though. She had never seen her best friend in that sort of situation. Part of her was really looking forward to it. Part of her was feeling excited at the prospect of getting to watch her climb over Bruce and lower herself onto his face.

Anne had an amazing body, and Kayla wanted to know exactly what she could do with it.

Despite the fact that Kayla was at work, she felt herself growing wet and excited picturing Bruce licking Anne's pussy. Would he finger her at the same time? Would he jump right into fucking her? Would Bruce look at Kayla while he banged her friend? Would they invite her to join in?

Kayla began to think that she might have to excuse herself to go masturbate in her car, but just before she stood up, Kevin walked in and reminded her of a meeting they had to go to .

So much for playtime.

Back to reality.


When Kayla left work, she was more tired than she'd ever been. The meeting had lasted nearly three hours, completely demolishing any hopes she had of getting a lunch break. Even worse than the length of the meeting was how damn boring it had been. Kevin had given a brief presentation about the future of the company, but once he was finished, another manager gave a speech that included Power Point slides, Power Point slides, and oh, more Power Point slides.

She slid into her car and leaned her head on the steering wheel. Today needed to end, like, hours ago. It was only 5:30 when she pulled out of the parking lot, but to Kayla, it felt much later. She started to drive home, but found herself headed for Anne's place instead. She pulled in to her friend's driveway and headed up th

e walkway, not bothering to knock before she entered the house.

"Hey, it's me," she called out. She kicked her shoes off and left them in the foyer of Anne's home before heading into the living room. Her friend's hardwood floors were beautiful, albeit a little well worn. Anne loved her older home and wouldn't change it for the world. The walls were decorated with vintage war posters and pictures of pinup girls, and Kayla often wondered how Anne got anything done.

If it were her house, Kayla knew she'd spend all of her time looking at the walls instead of doing her chores.

Anne didn't have that problem, though. No, Anne was the type of girl who loved to have a comfortable place to live, but who never got so distracted that she couldn't keep up with her obligations.

"Anne?" Kayla called out, picking up a magazine and absentmindedly leafing through it. Anne's car was in the driveway, so Kayla knew she was home from work already. Why wasn't she answering? Maybe she was upstairs fixing her hair or doing her makeup. If Anne was planning to go out tonight - and it was a night ending in y, so she absolutely was - she was likely primping.

Tags: Sophie Stern Erotic