Page 6 of Saucy Devil

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“Enjoying yourself?” A familiar voice sounded from behind Julianne. She turned around with a start and her mouth dropped when she saw the captain of The Dark Lovely standing next to the large bathing area. He was completely nude and had a smirk on his face. She knew that he had been watching her, though she wasn’t sure for how long. Despite the water, Julianne felt her body growing hot and wet in response to seeing him.

“Quite a bit, yes,” she managed to squeak out. It had been a long time since she’d seen a naked man, and she’d never seen one who looked quite as manly without his clothes on as the captain did. His cock was large and surrounded by thick curls. A splash of dark hair filled his muscular chest. His shoulders were broad and quietly begging to wrap around her body.

The man walked to the other side of the bathing pool and stepped in, visibly relaxing when the warm water began to cover him. He sat on one of the small underwater seats a few feet from Julianne. The water was warm and bubbly, and though it came up to his chest, she could still see his cock beneath the water.

She knew that he could see her, too.

“You’re the Saucy Devil,” she said.

“I am,” the man seemed neither surprised nor upset that she recognized him by name.

“Did you follow me?” She asked quietly, curious. Though Darnial was a bustling city, it wasn’t very big. She wasn

’t sure how many other bathing houses there were or what the odds were that Wade should find himself in the same one as Julianne.

“Perhaps,” his eyes twinkled as he looked at her. “Would you mind if I did?”

Julianne shrugged and looked away, biting her lower lip. The two of them were alone for now, but another patron could join them at any time. What were the rules for bathing? Could she scoot closer to him without seeming too forward? Then she wondered, for just a second, why she was worried about what other people would think.

No one knew her here.

Even Wade didn’t know her.

She scooted closer.

He looked pleased.


Wade leaned back against the side of the bathing pool, relaxing into the water. His eyes never left the woman in the water. She was the most beautiful creature he’d seen in a long time: possibly ever. Though he knew she was a whore – he had seen Nelson with her just hours earlier – he couldn’t help but think she was the strangest whore he’d ever seen.

Something about her seemed shy, almost innocent.

Something about her seemed timid.

When she scooted a little closer to him, his cock instantly grew harder. He wasn’t sure if she was on the job and working him or if she actually found him attractive, but he had only a short bit of time before he had to return to his ship and his crew.

Wade wanted to make the most of it.

“How much?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

A look of confusion crossed her face for just a second, then the woman got her bearings.

“No,” she said. “I’m not working right now.”

“Apologies,” Wade mumbled, looking away, embarrassed. He had misread the situation.

Then he felt a soft grip on his leg, and he looked back. She was right next to him now.

“No,” she said again softly. “I don’t want you to pay me. You understand? I’m not working.”

He understood, and he waited no longer to kiss her. His mouth ravished hers in a passionate kiss, their tongues pushing and prodding at each other. The woman slid onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around her slender waist. She seemed shy at first, as if she were holding back, as if she were trying to convince herself that this was okay.

But then Wade grabbed her ass and whispered, “You’re fucking gorgeous, my love.”

The woman let out a moan and pushed forward so that she was balancing at the edge of his cock. As she looked into his eyes, she lowered herself completely onto him and squeezed him tightly, and Wade lost himself in the moment.


Tags: Sophie Stern Fantasy