Page 31 of Saucy Devil

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"Too wild for you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew Julianne had come from a quiet background. She wasn't really the type of girl to get worked up at a tavern, even one as fun as this. The beat of the music was loud and the entire room was happy. No fights were breaking out. Everyone was just having a good time, especially the boys. Every so often, a girl would grab a sailor and lead him off to one of the private rooms in back, but no one even batted an eye.

Everyone had needs, after all.

"Not too wild," Julianne said, sipping her ale. Wade wondered if she was beginning to feel tipsy. "It's just different than what I'm used to."

"And what are you used to?"

"You know," she said, finishing off the glass. "Things like this." She took a deep breath and winked at Wade, and he wondered what she was getting up to. She’d been quiet for a few minutes, silently thinking, and he wondered what she was considering.

Julianne stood, just then, and grabbed one of the wenches who was walking by. The girl turned in surprise when she felt Julianne's touch, but Julianne didn't seem to notice. Instead, she grabbed the wench's hair and pulled her in for a kiss. Their lips met and the wench seemed excited, not upset, at Julianne's touch.

Wade sucked in his breath.

He expected many things from Julianne, but this was not one of them.

Julianne glided her tongue over the girl's bottom lip, tasting her. Then she pulled away and began to nibble on her ear.

"What's your name, sweets?" Julianne asked.

"Dana," said the wench.

Her hands were on Julianne's body now, stroking her back, grabbing her hips, pulling her closer. Julianne moaned as she continued to nibble on Dana's ear, softly biting and licking her. Julianne whispered something into Dana's ear. Dana shot Wade a look before nodding, ever-so-slightly. Then they began kissing again. Wade wondered what Julianne had said. Something dirty. It had to be.

He leaned back, getting comfortable as he watched the two girls tasting each other. After a few minutes, a few of the other men noticed, too, and whistled their appreciation. Wade just looked on, feeling himself growing hard at the sight he was seeing.

Julianne's lips had never looked as beautiful as when they were gliding over Dana's. Her hands rested on either side of Dana's face, showcasing how much she was enjoying this. Dana was openly groping Julianne's breasts. Wade sighed, finishing his ale. He couldn't take much more of this. His cock was screaming for release. The only thing he wanted was to shove it into Julianne’s wet pussy until he came. He wanted to make her body ache the same way his was aching.

He got up and went behind her, pressing his cock against her ass while she continued kissing Dana.

"Love, if you're going to tease me all night, it's going to be a very long night, indeed."

"I'm not teasing," Julianne turned to him, suddenly, and kissed him, too. He could still taste Dana on her lips, could still suck the liquor off her tongue.

"This way," Dana broke into his thoughts. Her voice was quiet, but serious. She grabbed each of their hands and led them through a narrow door at the back of the tavern. Wade was silent as they made their way down a narrow hallway, trying not to bump into people who were kissing or touching back there. At the end of the hall was a door, which Dana pushed open.

They all went inside.


The room had only a large bed in the center. The covers were pulled up and it looked clean and unused. Julianne barely noticed as she began kissing Dana again, reaching for Wade's cock with the other. She stroked him up and down through his pants, enjoying the feeling of his throbbing need beneath her hands.

She loved that he was going along with this, no questions asked, no moral "what-if’s" to argue about.

No, he was just allowing her to feel, allowing her to be.

And he was right there with her.

Dana continued playing with Julianne's breasts until her nipples were hard and poking against her thin dress. She ached to feel Dana's mouth on them, to feel the soft swirls of the woman’s tongue against her hot skin. Julianne pushed her chest out, expressing her need silently. Wade let out a low chuckle.

"You want her to lick you, love?" He asked her.

Julianne nodded.

Wade began unbuttoning her dress, allowing it to fall open. Julianne's supple breasts popped out and Dana smiled.

"Beautiful," she murmured, taking one of Julianne's breasts in her mouth. Dana swirled her tongue, tracing the outline of Julianne's nipple before gently biting on her hard nub. Oh yes, Julianne liked that very much.

Julianne wiggled out of her dress, allowing the rest of the fabric to fall to the floor. She stepped slowly out of her dress. Dana kissed her the entire time, never stopping her movements against Julianne's body. Wade kissed her from the back, slowly kissing and licking his way down her spine.

Tags: Sophie Stern Fantasy