Page 21 of Saucy Devil

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Perhaps most of all, they both knew that Wade had Nelson’s sister and was, to be honest, the only one keeping her safe from a crew of raging pirates who hadn’t seen a woman in weeks.

“Nice work, Captain,” Nelson said simply, nodding to the man on the floor. “You really let ‘im have it.”

Wade released his grip and Nelson turned to return to their ship. Each step felt heavy as he made his way back and down to his room. Somehow, thinking about it, he didn’t feel brave or strong. He didn’t feel good. He didn’t feel courageous.

He knew that Wade would probably be dead or severely injured without him, but that didn’t change much about the way Nelson felt.

No, the only thing that would make Nelson feel better at this moment in time would be the warm touch of a woman or the warm touch of whiskey.

Neither of which he had.


It had been an exhausting endeavor, and the captain was tired, but when he opened the door to his cabin and saw his little vixen sprawled out on his bed, he smiled. She was quickly becoming an important part of life on the ship. She was quickly becoming very, very important to Wade.

“How are you feeling?” He asked. He began to strip off his blood-covered clothes. They would need to be burned. He wouldn’t wear them again. Typically, Wade didn’t like to kill during raids. He had plenty of men to do that for him.

Besides, if the other pirates would simply hand over their goods, killing wouldn’t be necessary. For some reason, people didn’t like to hand over their gold easily, though. That was something Wade would never understand. All of the trouble could be avoided.

Julianne turned toward him and grunted.

“My ass hurts,” she said finally, watching him pull his pants down. His cock sprang free. He was already hard and ready. Wade had spent the morning fighting. He was ready to fuck now, ready to forget about how he spent his day.

Raids didn’t happen frequently, but Wade had a reputation to protect. He was feared: hated, even. He was lawless. Strong. He was a fierce seadog who never took captives alive.

Except for one, apparently.


Wade looked tired.

Julianne guessed that he would want to spend the rest of the day fucking. Instead of thinking about her sore bum or the way he had spanked her before he left, she rose out of bed and went to him. He was completely undressed, and she could see dark bruises beginning to form on his chest. He had fought, probably more than he was used to, she realized.

A pirate’s life wasn’t simply plundering and stealing. Most of a pirate’s life was enjoying the beauty of the sea, of exploring new places. Today was a dark day, though. There was a certain satisfaction that came from stealing, she knew, but there was also risk.

There was also a darkness, a pain.

“You were brave today,” she said thoughtfully, looking at him. She placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him softly, slowly. “But,” she said, smiling. “I think you need a bath."

Julianne walked to the basin and poured clean water into it from the nearby pitcher. She dipped a rag in the water and went back to him. Wade stood still as she gently washed his face, his neck, and his chest. She ran her hands over his abs and down his hips, gently washing away sweat and grime from the day. She was cautious to avoid the bruises, certain those spots would be tender.

She was careful as she washed him.

Though she was here to serve Wade and take care of his needs in bed, she liked to think she was more than that. In their time together, she had begun to view herself as a part of his life. She wasn’t simply someone to warm his bed. She was his companion, as well.

Did he view her that way?

He never said that he did. He was careful to avoid making promises of a future together. Sometimes, though, in the stillness of their time together, she felt he was growing attached to her, just as she was growing attached to him.

“That feels nice,” he murmured. She smiled as she dipped the rag back in the basin, wetting it again before she washed up and down his legs. She walked around him and washed his back, cleaning him with gentle strokes. She knew the water was cool against his skin, but she’d added some oils to make it feel relaxing and to soothe his sore muscles. As he closed his eyes in relaxation, Julianne

felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

She turned to place the rag next to the basin so it could try. Wade watched her, eyeing her ass as she swayed her hips softly. She could feel his gaze on her. She sashayed when she walked just because she knew she had his attention. Did he like it? Did he like the way she looked, the way she yearned for him?

After she set the rag down, she came back over and placed her hands on his chest.

“You missed a spot,” he nodded to his cock. She had cleaned all of him but there, carefully avoiding his balls and dick.

Tags: Sophie Stern Fantasy