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Obviously, it’s a lot more fun going on adventures with Quinn than sitting around being a socialite princess.

I walk over to the edge of the staircase and peer down into the darkness.

It’s now or never, I tell myself. This is it. When I find out what’s hiding in the depths of the ship, I can never go back to who I was. I can never go back to where I was before. That part of my life will be over. That book will be closed.

With a deep breath, I take my first step.

Chapter 20


As I step onto the narrow staircase, I can't help but wish I'd met Fiona sooner. I wish I'd saved her sooner. I wish I'd spared her from the horrors she went through, wish I'd managed to help her escape from her situation on Mirroean. I suppose it wouldn't have mattered. She didn't know there was anything weird about her family, didn't know there was anything strange about the way her social situation was progressing. She didn't know it was weird she didn't have passion with her fiance.

What else didn't she know?

I should be focused on finding Hector's hidden stash of illegal paraphernalia. I should be focused on bringing justice to my sister's life. My heart should be centered on saving the people on Sapphira that Hector is hurting, but all I can think about is Fiona. All I can think about is that someone else could have bought her. Someone else could have purchased her and then we never would have met. We never would have connected.

I don't even care that it also means I wouldn't have found this secret passageway. No, all I care about is her. All I care about is the fact that now she's safe. I'll protect her. I'll take care of her. And after we seek justice for my sister, we're going to seek justice for Fiona. Emotion overwhelms me and I turn around.

"Oh," she says, surprised. She's standing just a few steps up from where I am, and I grab her and kiss her. She melts into me instantly, and that just makes me hard. I shouldn't be hard right now. I shouldn't be aroused. This isn't the right moment.

"Thank you," I tell her. "I couldn't have done this without you."

"Don't thank me yet," she says. "We don't even know what's down there."

"No matter what we find," I tell her. "I'll keep my promise to you."

"You'll get me home."

"I'll get you home."

I don't want to think about how my heart clenches as I speak, about the way I already don't want to say goodbye to her. What the hell is wrong with me? I've only just met Fiona and yeah, we've shared some amazing moments in bed, but what does that really mean?

She didn't promise to stay with me and I didn't ask. What could I possibly have to offer someone like her, anyway? She's perfect, beautiful. She's sweet, and I'm not. She's brave, and I'm a coward. I should have saved my sister long ago and I didn't. I wasn't strong enough for Hayden. What makes me think I'm strong enough for Fiona?

I turn and finish walking the rest of the way down the stairs. Fiona stands next to me and I see her blinking furiously.

"Is there a light?" She asks. She holds her hands up in front of her.

"No," I tell her, looking around the room. My vision is so much better than hers that I feel bad for her.

“Can you see anything? Is this what you were looking for? Is it here?”

“Oh, it’s here all right,” I tell her, but even I can’t control the way my voice wavers.

“Quinn?” Somehow, despite the fact that Fiona can’t see a damn thing, her hand finds mine in the darkness.

She squeezes my hand, offering my silent comfort. This woman barely even knows me, yet somehow, she knows exactly what I need at this moment.

“What is it?”

“Drugs,” I manage to whisper. I’ve never seen so many in one place. Hell, I’ve never seen so many different kinds, but there’s no doubt that I’ve found exactly why Hector LeBlaie is so rich.

And I’ve found out exactly why he’s going to try to kill me.

Chapter 21


Tags: Sophie Stern The Hidden Planet Science Fiction