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“Ryder,” she says slowly, but two submissives come up to the bar just then and she turns her attention to them. “Ladies,” she says, her voice soft and delicate. “What’ll it be?”

“Um,” a petite blonde twists her hair around a finger and looks at all of the options. “How about a rum and coke for me and a long island for Josie?”

Josie, a curvy redhead, bobs her head in agreement.

“Of course, Amber,” June smiles. She holds out two pink bracelets, but the submissives frown at her in return.

“What?” Amber asks.

“You know the rules, ladies,” June tells them. Her voice is firm, but not unkind. How does she do that? “If you’re going to drink, you’re done playing for the night.”

“That’s not very fair,” Josie glares at June.

“That’s fine,” June shrugs, setting the bracelets down. “You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.”

“But…but…” Amber sputters, trying to find a way to convince June. I lean back against the barstool I’m sitting on and watch the entire scene. June intrigues me more than any other woman I’ve met. She’s definitely a submissive when it comes to men. I’ve seen the way her eyes flutter down when she’s being admonished, but around women?

She’s a natural Domme.

It’s not often I find a switch who is both beautiful and smart, but June fits the bill. I bet she’d be lovely to experience in bed. I bet she’d be willing and eager and delicious. I’ve spent too many nights to count just rubbing my cock and thinking of her on her knees.

I need to get a grip.

“Amber, you knew the rules when you joined the club,” June says firmly. “Do I need to go find your Dom and tell him you tried to be sneaky?”

“Well, no,” Amber whispers. She’s blushing and obviously embarrassed.

“This isn’t fair,” Josie says again, rolling her eyes. I’m about to turn and say something to the disrespectful sub, but June is on top of things. Instead of arguing with Josie, she simply waves her hand and a man appears. He’s tall, lean, and handsome.

Her lover?

I don’t think so.

In the time I’ve been coming to the club, June has never taken a lover. At least, not one I’ve known about. I’ve tried to keep my attraction to her under wraps, but I’ve asked around casually and as far as anyone can tell, she doesn’t date.

“Problem?” The tall man asks.

“No,” Josie and Amber say. At the same time, June nods.

“Actually, there is a problem. These two submissives want to drink without wearing a pink bracelet. They know the house rules, but don’t feel like following them. Could you kindly explain the situation to their Doms?”


“Thank you, Zack.”

“Anything for you, June.” The man turns to the two girls. Suddenly, their brave façade has faded, leaving them looking scared and vulnerable, as it should. Disrespect isn’t something that’s tolerated at any BDSM club, but especially not at Anchored. June takes her position very seriously here and she demands respect from all of her patrons. Anyone who comes to the bar to ask for a drink has to wear a bracelet the rest of the night that designates them as a non-player.

It’s for everyone’s protection.

The man takes the girls by the elbows and they whine as he leads them off. He says something to them and their whining subsides.

“You handled that well,” I say once they’re out of earshot.

“What? Oh, the girls.” June shakes her head. “Well, you know. Rules are rules.” She grabs a cloth and begins wiping the bar down.

“If you keep cleaning so much, you’re going to wear off the finish,” I nod toward the bar top. It’s a deep mahogany. It’s beautiful, but it’s already starting to fade from her incessant cleaning.

“You’re right,” June says, glancing at the bar. She sets the cloth down and looks at me. “I get nervous,” she says, shaking her head. Then she leans back against the opposite counter.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy