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I won’t look like the owner of a private sex dungeon.

I won’t look like the badass queen of the ship.

I’ll just look ridiculous.

In a fit of desperation, I finally drop to the floor and roll onto my back. Then I thrust my pelvis up into the air and begin to wiggle out of my pants. My jeans are almost over my butt when two feet appear next to my head.

“I have to admit, Miss Gables: this isn’t what I had in mind when I told you to wait for me.?


Chapter 8


I’m fighting to hold back my laughter as I walk in on June completely sprawled on the floor. She’s topless, but she’s still clothed from the waist down, including her heels.

“Ryder,” she whispers, closing her eyes. “I…”

She blushes, and I know she’s embarrassed, but she looks fucking adorable. I just want to hold her. I just want to pull her into my lap, wrap my arms around her, and never let go.

“You wanted some help getting ready for me, love?” I say gently, and then I squat down to pick her up.

“What are you doing?” She squeaks, opening her eyes. “Ryder! I’m too heavy for you.” I pull her into my arms and stand back up before heading toward her bed.

“Oh, darling, that’s another ten.”

“What?! No! Hey, come on now! You didn’t tell me I couldn’t say I was fat.”

“And another ten for back-talking.”


I smile down at June’s helpless looking face. Oh, she knows she’s in trouble, but she’s not scared. Not of me. Not of this. No, she doesn’t like the idea that she’s in trouble, and she’s protesting, but I’d bet anything that as soon as I slide my hands between her legs, I’ll find she’s fucking soaked.

“Shall we keep going, June?”

“No,” she squeaks out, and I set her down on the bed.

“Close your eyes, June,” I whisper. She obeys me instantly, perfectly, and I take this opportunity to just look at her. June has big, beautiful breasts I can’t wait to lick. I want to touch her there, want to make her moan with pleasure, and I will, but I plan to take my time.

With June, one night isn’t going to be enough. I can already tell. With June, I’m going to need all of her nights. I’m going to need every night.

One lifetime just isn’t going to be enough.

“You’re so pretty,” I murmur, and she licks her lips. She doesn’t open her eyes, though. She keeps them tightly closed. Her hands are balled into fists, though. She’s still tense. She’s still nervous.

“Thank you, sir,” she whispers, and I smile.

“Ah, so you do have some manners,” I tease her, and a slow smile spreads on her lips.

“I try my best, sir.”

“That’s all I’ll ever ask you for, June.”

I kiss her then, and her arms wrap around me, pulling me closer. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of her. I know I’ll never get tired of her. Much too soon, I pull away, and her eyes flutter open.

“Close them, darling,” I tell her. She obeys instantly, and I quickly strip out of my own clothes, careful to set my pants aside so my phones don’t slide out of the pockets. I have my normal phone with me: the one that’s a part of my cover. I also have a second burner phone that’s for work. Only a select number of people have it and I shouldn’t be away from that phone, well, ever, but I always leave it in my car to play at Anchored. Being near June is too much to resist. I tried for awhile, but I can’t.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy