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“Me, too,” June whispers.

“I’ll stay with you tonight,” I tell her. “You don’t have to be alone.”

“Thank you, Ryder.”



“You know I’m going to Dominate you, right?”

A shiver shoots through her body: a delicious, exciting shiver. Yeah, June knows what I’m about. I’ll help her get through tonight. I’ll help her deal with her pain by obliterating it. By the time I’m through with June, she’s going to be sleeping like a baby. She won’t have to stay up all night feeling alone. She won’t have to mourn by herself. Instead, I’m going to make love to her long and hard, and then I’m going to hold her all fucking night.

She nods, and then June kisses me deeply. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me closer to her.




Soon I’m completely surrounded by June.

Soon I’m completely enveloped in her.

Soon I’m lost in her and I wonder if I’ll ever be able to find my way back out.

Chapter 7


“Wait,” Ryder says, pulling away. He jerks his head toward my door. “You live here, right?”

“Yeah,” I admit. “This is my place.” He doesn’t look surprised to find out that I live here. Instead of acting shocked or appalled, Ryder just nods.

“Okay,” he says. “I need to run to my car and get my phone.” Cell phones aren’t permitted in the club without a damn good reason, and it’s up to me to determine what that is. Anyone caught sneaking a phone into my club gets instantly booted and their membership canceled. I’ve never had anyone risk it.

“I’ll come with you,” I tell him.

“No,” he shakes his head. “It’s dark and it’s cold. Besides,” he wiggles his eyebrows. “I want you to go get ready for me.”


“Go inside and strip down. Wait for me in the center of the room. You know how.”

“Yes,” I whisper. “I know how.”

He holds out his hands and I drop my keys in them, and then Ryder heads back down the hallway with a skip in step and a tune on his tongue. He hums until he turns and goes back into the lobby, and I’m alone outside of my room.

“I can do this,” I say out loud. “I’ve got this.”

I push the door open to my little suite. When I remodeled Anchored, I created a small luxury suite for myself. It’s sort of a mix between a fancy hotel room and a studio apartment. It’s obviously close to work and for me, it’s perfect. Tonight, I walk over the cabin port hole and peek outside.

From my spot, I can see the brilliant night stars blinking and glowing brightly. They’re gorgeous. Beautiful. Completely unforgettable: just like this night is going to be. I can’t quite believe I brought Ryder back to my room.

I can’t quite believe he agreed to come.

Normally, when I stare at the night stars, I think of my grandmother. I think of all the nights we looked at the stars together. We used to spread a blanket on her lawn and curl up together.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy