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“We can have a lot of fun, you and me.”

“I know,” I whisper.

“I’m so close, baby. You look so incredible. Fuck, Macie.”

“Please,” I beg him, and I realize I’ve been doing a lot of begging lately, but I’m not embarrassed or nervous about that. Tony just brings out this side of me. I’ve never been particularly verbal in bed and I’ve never been great at dirty talk, but he makes me feel like I can do anything.

He makes me believe in myself.

He makes me think that everything is going to be okay.

I know I have a long way to go before I understand everything there is to know about kink and Tony and the club in general, but what I do know is that when I’m with him, I feel like a fucking princess.

I feel like I am a star.

I feel like I can do anything.

And then he comes in me, filling me, marking me as his own. Tony comes hard, whispering my name, and I disobey him to open my eyes when I feel him come. I’m overwhelmed when I see the complete look of peace on his face.

He looks like this is where he belongs, and I know in my heart that it is. Tony and I are meant to be together. In this moment, nothing else matters. It’s just him and me in our own little world.

He opens his eyes and our gazes lock.

“You disobeyed,” he says quietly.

“I’ll accept any punishment you deem appropriate,” I tell him without missing a beat.

“Does that mean you want a spanking, sweetheart?”

“It means I want you, Tony. All of you.”

“I want you, too, Macie.”

He climbs off of me and settles next to me on the bed. Tony unties me slowly, taking his time, and then he covers me with kisses once more. He tosses the pantyhose aside and pulls me into his arms, and it’s the safest and most wonderful I’ve ever felt.

If this is what every moment with Tony is going to feel like, then sign me up. I know we’ll have our fights and our arguments because no relationship is perfect, but something tells me that when it comes to me and Tony, everything is going to be just fine.

I kiss him again, and my hopes soar.



Three Months Later

“The frosting is almost finished,” Ken says. I peek into the bowl he’s mixing in, and nod.

“The consistency looks great,” I say, and turn back to the ovens. I grab a pan of cupcakes and pull them out to cool. We’ve been in the kitchen since dawn and it’s nearly noon. The day is only half over, but I’m exhausted and tired. I’m also completely covered in flour.

“We have plenty of time to finish everything before tomorrow,” Ken shakes his head in disbelief. “This never would have happened under Jenna’s management, you know.”

“I know,” I tell Ken. Bringing Tony on board as my manager was the best business decision I’ve ever made. In just three months, he’s completely turned my business around. He’s doubled our productivity, completely revamped our organizational structure, and he’s done it all without raising anyone’s stress levels. “He’s incredible.”

“You really lucked out finding him,” Ken says. “He’s the best manager I’ve ever worked with, and that’s saying something.” Ken has been in catering for nearly five years. While he originally went to culinary school to become a chef, he was thrilled to join my team, and I’m lucky to have him.

“Thanks, Ken,” Tony steps into the room and looks over our work. He crosses his arms over his broad chest. “I’m happy to work with you, too. You’re great at what you do.”

“Thank you, sir,” Ken flushes. Even after all this time, he’s still not used to taking compliments. Jenna was a harsh supervisor and we’ve all had to learn to adjust to not being yelled at all the time.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy