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“I want to see you again. Soon. Tonight, if you’re free.”

“I would love to, but I have a huge catering event,” I frown. “It’s going to take up my entire day and I probably won’t get home until late. How about tomorrow?”

“I’d love that,” he kisses my nose. “Why don’t I come by around noon and pick you up? I’ll plan something fun for us to do.”

“How fun?” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.

“More fun than you’re ready to handle, sweetheart,” he smiles, and a wave of satisfaction and happiness rolls over me. I don’t know where this thing with Tony is going, but I’m excited to be on this journey.

And I’m excited to be on it with him.

Chapter 14


I see four clients today, and with each one, my anxiety levels increase. I went from waking up completely refreshed and calm to being a walking ball of negative energy. By the time I leave work, I’ve already drafted my resignation letter three times.

It’s time for me to leave.

It’s not that I have anything against the firm I work for. I don’t. The paralegals and attorneys I work with are fantastic, and I love being able to have lunch with Zack or run ideas by him.

What I don’t like is seeing the worst in people, and lately, that’s all I’ve seen.

When I meet Zack at Drinking Games, I hand him my final draft.

“What’s this?” He asks.

“My resignation. Will you look it over for me?”

“Really?” He looks surprised. “You’re really going through with it, huh?”

“Yeah,” I sit down on a barstool and the cute bartendress comes over.

“Whiskey sour?” She asks.

“How did you remember my drink? I’ve only been here once.”

Jennifer just shrugs. “Remembering drinks is a great way to earn extra tips. Think about that when it’s time to pay.” She winks and heads off to make my drink, and I turn to Zack.

“Is she for real?”

“Jenny is the best,” he confirms, sipping his beer. “But let’s talk about you.”

“I’m turning in my notice on Monday,” I tell him. “And I’ll start interviewing attorneys to fill my spot.”

“Won’t be hard,” Zack points out the obvious. Our firm is a very popular one and positions in this office are coveted. Walking away from Edgar & Bernstein might be one of the worst career choices I’ll ever make, but after last night, I know I need to choose my sanity and not my wallet.

“Well, I do tend to over think things.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. Walking away from your career is a huge choice, Tony. Considering all of your options doesn’t make you stupid. It makes you smart. Are you worried you’re going to change jobs and discover being a lawyer really wasn’t that bad?”

“Not at all,” I laugh, trying not to think of how much my anxiety levels have risen in the last few months. It’s only been recently that I’ve started to think that maybe leaving the law firm is the best choice.

And now that I’ve had a taste of Macie, I’ve had a hint of what my life could be like.

The truth is that I want her.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy