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His dark words just egg me on, making me suck harder, faster. His breathing gets shorter, faster, and I know he’s getting close. Good. He played with me, running his hands all over my body. He awakened something in me I thought didn’t exist, and now I’m getting the chance to make him fall apart under my touch.

“I’m close,” he murmurs. “You should stop now,” he add

s, but I don’t. I just keep going, and when he comes with a groan, I taste him in my mouth. I feel sexier than I’ve ever felt in my damn life. I feel beautiful here in the moonlight, and when I finish licking Tony, I look up to see him watching me.

“You are incredible.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

He gives me his hand and brings me to my feet. Then he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, kissing me tenderly, gently.

“That was wild,” I tell him after a minute.

“I agree,” he whispers. “But I still haven’t made you come, sweetheart.”

“We have plenty of time for that,” I murmur, nuzzling against him, but the door to Anchored opens just then and Zack strides through it like he owns the place.

“What are you doing out here, rule-breaker?” He glares at Tony.

“We’re just enjoying the moonlight,” Tony says, blinking innocently.

Zack sniffs the air. “Then why does it smell like guilt and bad decisions out here?”

“I’m fine,” I place my hand on Zack’s arm. Christina is right behind him. “We were just talking.”

“With Tony?” Christina chuckles. “Not likely, but nice try.”

“Come on, now,” Tony says. “I can be trusted.”

Zack just scoffs. Then he jerks his head toward the door. “Let’s head back inside. There’s a scene I think you’ll enjoy.”

“Sounds great,” Tony slides his arm around me. “I want to see, too.”

“I’ll give you something to see,” Zack mutters under his breath, but we all follow him inside and back to the club. The music is louder than before, if possible, and the crowd has grown in the time we’ve been gone. I’m not sure how long Tony and I were outside, but if the club wasn’t in full swing before, it certainly is now.

“Do you want a drink first?” Tony whispers, and I nod. Now that we’re back inside, I suddenly feel a little nervous, and we stop by the bar. June comes over and looks questioningly at me.

“Can I get you a drink?”

“Vodka cranberry, please.”

“Coming right up,” she says. “I assume this is going on your tab,” she looks at Tony, and he nods.

“Thank you,” I kiss him softly on the cheek.

“It’s the least I can do.”

June brings my drink and I carry it as the four of us head toward a scene to the side of the main room. Jaxson Thorn and Lily are already there, watching with interest.

“The sub is one of mine,” Jaxson whispers.

“One of yours? Like, you guys dated?”

Lily laughs. “No, she’s from one of his classes.”

“One of my most nervous students,” Jaxson explains. “But she’s come a long way in a short time. Look at her now.”

I watch the stage where she’s playing with her Dom, and I’m amazed at how beautiful she looks. It’s not that she’s particularly gorgeous. She’s pretty, to be sure, but what really makes her glow is the way she looks at her Dom. She stares at him like he’s the only thing she sees, like he’s the only thing that’s important to her right now.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy