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“Would you like to tell me what you think about when you touch yourself? When you slide your fingers deep inside?”

“I want to tell you,” I whisper.

“Then tell me.”

“I think about different things, but my favorite fantasy is when I’m in the kitchen baking. I’m a caterer, so I spend a lot of time in my kitchen. It’s a weird fantasy, I know, but I love the idea of being busy at the counter and have someone come up behind me.”

“And what would they do to you when they come up to you?”

“Well,” I swallow hard. My mouth has suddenly gone dry. I shouldn’t be telling Tony these things about me. These are secrets I hold close to my heart, secrets I’ve never told anyone, and suddenly, I’m spilling my guts to Tony.

I’m totally blabbing to a stranger.

I’m sharing my innermost secrets, but it doesn’t seem wrong.

Why doesn’t it seem wrong?

“They would flip up my skirt to find I’m not wearing any panties.”

“Naughty girl,” Tony murmurs.

“Very naughty,” I agree, closing my eyes. I rest my head on his shoulder. He’s still behind me, still holding me in place, and I’m slowly grinding my hips against him. I don’t know when I started doing that. Maybe it was a minute ago. Maybe it was after I started talking. All I know is that his cock is so hard against my bottom and my panties? They’re soaked.

“What happens next, sweetheart?”

“Next, he slides his hands over my bottom.”

“I bet your skin feels very smooth.”

“Yes,” I whisper. “And soft. He grips me, grabbing my hips.”

“And does he say something to you?”

“Yes. He tells me I’m beautiful. He grabs my hair and pulls my head back. He kisses me, but it’s not a soft kiss. It’s a hard kiss. He tells me he’s been thinking of me all day and he can’t wait to slide inside of me.”

“Fuck, Macie, that’s hot as hell.”

“And then he thrusts into me quickly, hard.” I’m breathing heavily now, unable to stop the fantasy from floating through my head. It’s so vivid, so real. I’ve imagined it a hundred times but never like this.

Because this time, it’s Tony in my fantasy.

This time, he’s the one fucking me in my kitchen. He’s the one making me growl. He’s the one making my body sing with pleasure.

“Are you thinking about it right now?” Tony whispers, and his hands move up and down my sides. We’re still watching the people on stage, and I’m still grinding against him, unable to get enough.

Suddenly, I’m filled with need, and I really want to rush off to the locker room to get myself off. Having a quick orgasm would give me the fortitude required to get through the rest of the night. Yes, that’s exactly what I need: an orgasm.

“Yes,” I admit, trying to come up with a way I can sneak off. I wiggle out of Tony’s arms and turn around. He looks surprised.

“Is everything okay?”

“I need to pee,” I say bluntly, hoping he won’t see through my ploy, but he just smirks.

“Is that code for ‘get off’?” He asks.

“What?” I blink innocently.

“Should I spank you for lying, sweetheart?” He crosses his arms over his big, broad chest, and I groan. Of course he would see right through that. He’s a lawyer, and a Dom, and to be honest, I’m too horny to be any good at lying.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy