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Chapter 3


Anchored is a sex club and I’m in the center of it. I’ve got a bright pink wristband on my left wrist that indicates I’m not a full member and that I’m not playing tonight. It means I can drink, but I’m not allowed to have sex or get on any of the stages.

Somehow, though, I’m not thinking about the fact that I obviously stick out like a sore thumb.

I’m thinking about the fact that I’ve never seen so many good-looking people in my life.

It’s not even that the people at Anchored are conventionally good-looking. There are quite a few people who are overweight, underweight, and everywhere in-between. Some of the people are physically beautiful, but what really shines is the fact that everyone here is having fun.

There aren’t any pouters in the corner.

Even the people who are overweight have an air of confidence and it’s the most incredibly appealing thing I’ve ever seen.

I’ve never been particularly thin, but I’ve shied away from wearing clothing as tiny as what I’m wearing tonight. There are many other women here who are the same size or even bigger than me and most of them are wearing far less.

“You doing okay, love?” Christina reaches for my hand. In the end, we decided to both wear our hair curled and down. She opted for a black lace bra and fishnet shirt with a black miniskirt and no panties. I’m wearing a dark red corset that makes my breasts look much bigger and much perkier than they actually are, along with a pair of boy shorts.

“I’m okay,” I tell her. “I just keep looking at everyone.”

“Some of the clothes tonight are pretty fucking sexy,” Christina agrees.

“Anyone strike your fancy?” Zack asks. He’s got his hand around Christina’s waist, but he’s stayed close to me all night. I like it. Zack is Christina’s Dom, but tonight, he’s mine, too. If anyone wants to talk to me, they have to clear it with Zack. He explained the entire thing in the car.

Basically, in the BDSM world, things are different.

I’m not just a “free range sub,” as he put it. Tonight, I’m his guest, so I need t

o stay with him.

I argued that I’m not actually a submissive, and Zack said that was fine, but he still expected me to show him respect and obedience while we’re at Anchored.

Weirdly, it wasn’t as difficult to agree to as I thought it would be.

Maybe the clothing really is changing my mindset.

Maybe it’s just the entire atmosphere.

“Everyone,” I whisper, and Zack chuckles.

“How about we go watch a scene?” He says. We’ve walked through most of the club. They gave me a lovely tour and I got to meet a couple of their friends. We haven’t sat and watched a full scene, though, and one is about to start on a nearby stage.

“Okay,” I agree quietly, and I follow Zack and Christina. Zack finds a chair for himself and motions for me and Christina to sit on the armrests of the chair. “We don’t have to sit on the floor?” I ask quietly. I’ve noticed a couple of people sitting with their submissives at their feet.

“Not tonight,” Zack says. “I want you close to me in case you have any questions. More importantly, I want you to be able to see clearly. If I was going to have you blow me, I’d have you at my feet. That’s not why you’re here, though. You’re here to learn, so pay attention.”

His words are blunt, but not callous, and I think I’m starting to get used to the way Zack talks because I’m not scared or nervous when he speaks. I just nod and turn, making sure my eyes stay on the stage.

A woman appears. She’s tall and her hair hangs past her shoulders in braids and beads.

“Is that-” I start to whisper when I recognize her, but Zack quiets me.

“A lot of people come to this club,” he says. “And discretion is key.”

“Of course.”

I turn as I watch Destiny – a woman I work with – lead a young woman to the center of the stage. I can instantly tell that Destiny is a Domme. She’s wearing a corset, like me, but she also has on leather pants and high-heeled boots that click loudly as she makes her way across the stage.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy