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“Tell her you’re coming to my place. My address is 44 Willow Avenue.”

“Why do I need to tell her? She knows you. She knows you’re safe.”

“But you and I are still getting to know each other, sweetheart, and I want to protect you. If for some reason you get scared, or you decide you want to leave, or you want her to come pick you up, it’s a good idea to have someone know where you are.”

“Thank you,” Lily says, surprising me. She shoots off a text and puts her phone back in her purse. “Thank you for looking after me this way.”

“It’s what a good Dom does, love.”

I just hope I can be the Dom she needs.


My home is only a few minutes from the restaurant. When we arrive, it’s nearly ten, and the street is quiet.

“Your neighbors go to bed pretty early,” Lily observes as we walk up to the house. I laugh as I unlock the door and flip the lights on.

“It’s not exactly a party neighborhood. Once, Mrs. Alexander’s son came home drunk on spring break. It was,” I pause for dramatic effect. “Almost midnight!”

“Oh my!” Lily feigns surprise and puts her hand over her mouth. “However did the family get through the drama?”

“Carefully, and with a lot of therapy.”

Lily and I head into the house laughing, kick off our shoes, and get settled on the couch.

“Should we have a drink?” She asks, suddenly looking a little nervous.

“Let me massage your feet first.”

“Um, okay.”

“Has anyone ever done this for you?”


I lift her feet into my lap and begin to rub them for her. She relaxes almost immediately. I can feel the tension drain out of her body as she sinks into the couch.

“The thing about Domination and submission is that it’s a two-way street. I’ll require your submission in the bedroom, of course, but I also get to take care of you. That pleases me.”

“Taking care of someone pleases you?”

“Oh, yes,” I tell her, running my hands over her skin. “It’s part of why being a Dominant is so fulfilling. I love knowing I’m taking care of someone and meeting her needs. Even if it’s something she can do herself, I like to know she’s trusting me to care for her.”

“I read some relationships get pretty intense,” she says. “Like, the guy picks out the woman’s clothes and stuff.”

“Domination looks different in every relationship. Personally, I’m not interested in something quite that serious. I like D/s in the bedroom, but I like my partner to be opinionated and outspoken. I like to know she’s going to tell me what she really thinks and not go along with something just to please me.”

“Except in the bedroom.”

“Even then, if we’re doing something that’s scary, we can slow down and talk about it. This isn’t a my-way-or-the-highway type of situation.”

I rub her feet for a few more minutes, gently massaging her.

“How about that drink?”

“Sounds good.”

“What’s your pleasure?”

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy