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Lily turns and waves at the little cat, who appears to be growling and hissing. At me? Is he mad at me?

“Come on, now,” I say to Owl. “I’m not going to hurt her.”

Lily looks up at me, her eyes wide.

“Much,” I add, and she blushes. “Don’t worry,” I whisper into her ear, pressing my lips against her. “I won’t do anything you aren’t begging me to do.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Of course.”

Lily shivers, but it’s not from the cold. It’s a perfectly lovely evening. No, she’s nervous because we’re both very aware that outside of the club, anything could happen. We aren’t on a time limit. We aren’t on a drinking limit. We have the night and we have each other.

“Shall we go?” I ask, and she nods. I open the car door for her and help her inside, catching a glimpse of creamy white thigh as she settles in. Lily glances up at me, checking to see if I noticed, and I smile. Pressing my hand on her leg, I lean in and whisper, “I hope to see more than just your thighs tonight, darling.”

She blushes and swallows hard, and I close the door and walk over to my side. Once we’re on the road, Lily seems to relax a little bit.

“So how long have you worked as a web designer?” She asks.

“I’m actually primarily the content editor,” I tell her. “I do work with the designers occasionally and I’m experienced in graphic design, but most of what I do is related to writing.”

“Do you like your job? It sounds like it must be either really interesting or terribly boring.”

“For the most part, it’s pretty fun. I have a lot of fantastic clients and my team members all work really hard. What about you? How was work this week?”

“Something happened today, and I think I have you to blame for it.”


“That came out wrong. I mean I have you to thank for it. I don’t know. It’s just that ever since we…you know…on Saturday,” she says, but I cut her off.

“Lily, if we’re going to be spending time together, whether that means dating or just playing at the club, then there’s something you need to know about me. I don’t do guessing games. So, no, I don’t know what you mean about Saturday. Please tell me, and please be specific.”

“When you fingered me at the bar,” she says.

“Thank you, beautiful. Yes, I remember playing with your soft pussy at the bar. What does that have to do with your job?”

“I’m not very outgoing,” she says. “You saw Owl. I’m kind of a total cat lady.”

I chuckle. “Somehow, I find that difficult to believe.”

“Well, believe it. I’ve been having a hard time dealing with a lot of things at work. My boss is just really overbearing and, to be honest, kind of bossy. Today, though, I was thinking about you and the club and the way you made me feel.”

“And how did I make you feel?”

“Bold. Sassy. Strong. I thought about those feelings, and I tried to harness them, and I stood up for myself,” Lily turns to me and smiles. “It doesn’t sound like much, but to me, it was everything.”

“I’m proud of you. Standing up for yourself is never easy, especially when it’s in a workplace setting.”

“Thanks. I still don’t think I’m submissive, but trusting you at the bar felt nice. I felt like I was safe to be a little wild, and you were right there with me. You were taking care of me, and I knew that no matter what happened, everything was going to be okay.”

“That’s what BDSM is all about, Lily. It’s about trust. It’s about taking care of each other.”

“I liked it more than I should have, Thorn. I liked it a lot. Too much.” She looks out the window, and I reach for her hand and give her a comforting squeeze. It’s going to be a good night, and we have a lot to talk about, but first, I’m going to push her a little bit.

“Do you want to play a game?”

“What kind of game?”

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy