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“Oh yes, you’re going to be just fine here.” He kisses me on the cheek and Christina gives me a quick hug, and then they disappear toward the voyeur rooms and I make a beeline for the bar.

Chapter 4


I notice the woman in black long before she reaches the bar. She looks completely out of place here. She’s much too innocent for the likes of Anchored, and I wonder what the hell Zack was thinking when he decided to bring her here.

Oh, I don’t know him all that well. I’m more familiar with his fiancé, Christina. The Damsel of the Dungeon, as we used to call her, has been playing a long time. When Zack started coming to Anchored, he swept her off her feet, and no one was more surprised than me.

I was certain Christina was going to run out of people to play with long before she started accepting aftercare, but I was wrong. Zack was able to show her, somehow, that she needed all of D/s: not just the parts she liked. It’s not about cherry-picking what you do and don’t want, after all.

It’s about the relationship.

Now, the dark-haired woman the couple brought with them tonight is making her way directly to the bar. She doesn’t seem to notice anyone else at the bar as she sits two stools down from me and waits patiently for June to notice her. When the bartendress turns around, she smiles at the woman.

“What’s your pleasure, sweetie?”

“Could I get a whiskey neat, please?”

“Absolutely. Do you have a membership number?”

“I, um, no. This is my first time. I came with my friend.”

“No worries, doll. I just need to know how to charge you. Usually, we put everything on your account and just bill you at the end of the month. Since you’re new, you’ll just pay when you leave at the end of the night, okay? Just check in with the receptionist before you leave. What’s your friend’s name?”

Before she can answer, I catch June’s eye. She turns to me and raises an eyebrow.

“You can put her drinks on my tab,” I tell June.

“Woah,” the woman says, noticing me. Her bright eyes seem to grow even bigger as she looks me up and down. “That’s super nice of you. Thank you. I really appreciate it, but I can pay for my drinks. It’s really no problem. It’s just that I left my purse with my wallet in the locker room,” her eyes roam from me to the locker rooms, but I shake my head.

“It’s no trouble. Welcome to Anchored.”

June seems satisfied, so she turns around and begins making the woman’s drink.

The woman is quiet for a minute, and then she seems to pluck up her courage and look at me.

“I’m Lily,” she says. She scoots one stool over so she’s sitting next to me. She’s already checked me out, and now I allow my eyes to roam over her body. She’s got an incredible one: soft and curvy.

“Master Thorn,” I tell her.

“Master,” she whispers. “What does that mean?”

I chuckle as June turns around.

“It mean he’s full of himself, darling.”

“It means no such thing. Is this your first time at a club?”

“Yes. I know,” she lowers her voice. “It must be painfully obvious.”

“Not at all,” I tell her. She seems to be holding her own just fine. “The term ‘Master’ can mean different things at different clubs. Here it means that I’ve been through a training course and hold several certifications that enable me to teach. I actually teach demo and beginner classes at several clubs in the city.”

“Really? Wow. That’s amazing. You must be super good in bed.” Lily slaps a hand over her mouth and closes her eyes, shaking her head. “I’m sorry,” she says. “Holy dragons. I can’t believe I just said that. I can’t believe it. I’m so embarrassed. I’m totally sorry.”

“Actually,” I lean in close, ignoring her embarrassment, and whisper in her ear. “I am very, very good in bed, Lily. I know exactly how to please a woman, how to make her beg for more. I know exactly what it takes to make a woman come over and over and over again. Whether I’m using my mouth to lick her soft pussy or I’m driving my cock deep inside of her, I always satisfy my partner. Always.”

Lily’s eyes meet mine and she swallows hard. My words affected her in a deep way and I know that if I slide my hand between her thighs, she’ll be soaking wet for me.

Tags: Sophie Stern Anchored Fantasy