Page 4 of Heartless

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I finally managed to pull myself together long enough to pay the tab and leave the bar. I used a rideshare app to get a lift to my house, and then I went inside, locked the door, and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water and a snack. I was 30 now, after all. I wasn’t some young spring chicken who could drink all night and wake up feeling refreshed.

Now I was old enough that after a couple of beers, I needed water, a snack, and a heartburn pill just to keep myself slightly functional the next day. Yep. Things were looking down for ol’ David. Then again, maybe not. I couldn’t shake the thought of Zoey being at Felix’s party from my head.

What was she going to say when we saw each other? She’d always managed to hide away from me. She wouldn’t be able to this time. This was going to be a party where her brother was the star of the show, and right after his girlfriend, Zoey and I were his two favorite people in the world. We both needed to be there.

Once I’d eaten and hydrated, I found myself in my home office. I sat down at the computer and pulled up every social media website known to man, and I looked up Zoey. I’d purposely never reached out to her or tried to follow or friend her. To me, that just screamed stalker. Anytime I’d seen her comment on something or tagged in something, I’d tried to ignore it. Now I found myself wondering what my chances were with a girl like her.

Zoey had to be 28 now, and from what Felix had mentioned about her over the years, she’d been doing well for herself. She was easy enough to find online since she was friends with both Felix and Lauren. Besides, most of her profile was public. I didn’t use social media nearly as much as I should have, but I was surprised to see that we actually had a couple of mutual friends of the BDSM persuasion. Was Zoey into domination? Was she into kink?

How very interesting.

I never would have suspected something like that from her, but who knew. At the risk of being a weirdo, I sent a message to one of our mutual friends who was online.

DAVID WALKER: Hey, you know Zoey Lane?

THERESA MARCH: Haha, yeah.

DAVID WALKER: Do you two work together?

Even as I typed the question, I knew the answer. Th

eresa was an attorney, like me. She didn’t work with Zoey. Felix’s little sister had gone into a completely different field than any of us. She was in digital marketing and media, so unless she’d designed a website for Theresa, their paths had never crossed in a non-BDSM sort of way.

THERESA MARCH: Not at all.

DAVID WALKER: Don’t make me beg.

THERESA MARCH: Master W? Begging? Don’t get me excited.

There we were. I’d known Theresa was into BDSM and the club scene for a long time. She was a dominatrix when she wasn’t winning cases. She was cutthroat at her law firm and just as deadly with a flogger. I’d seen some of her work, and I’d been impressed. Luckily for me, I wasn’t the submissive type. Maybe Zoey was.

DAVID WALKER: She’s an old friend.

THERESA MARCH: As far as I know, she’s available.

DAVID WALKER: Do you know if she’s into the scene?

THERESA MARCH: Do I have any friends who aren’t? You know me better than that, David.

DAVID WALKER: Just had to be sure. I was curious.

THERESA MARCH: When are you seeing her?

DAVID WALKER: Next weekend.

THERESA MARCH: Ah, yes. She’ll be in town for something. Brother’s birthday, right?

DAVID WALKER: That’s it.

THERESA MARCH: David, do me a favor.


THERESA MARCH: Be careful with her. She’s not as brave as she looks.

We chatted for a few more minutes about random things before Theresa signed off for the night, but long after our conversation ended, I was left thinking about her comment. So, Zoey Lane was into kink, and she’d been involved with Theresa at some point. In any case, they knew each other. Was Zoey bisexual? Was she submissive? How had I not known that she was kinky?

A lot of girls liked to explore with their darker desires while they were in college. It wasn’t uncommon for people to try out new things and explore sexually when they first flew the nest, so to speak, but Zoey? Somehow, Felix had always painted her as a sweet, innocent sort of girl, who was into sweet, innocent things.

Tags: Sophie Stern Romance