Page 35 of Heartless

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It bothered me that Zoey thought I was a player. I wasn’t. I hadn’t been. In fact, what I’d wanted to do was spend more time with her. I thought she was returning to California for good, so I had tried my best to put her out of my head. I’d even gone on a couple of dates. I hadn’t slept with anyone, but I probably should have. It was just that in my mind, nobody really compared to Zoey.

Nobody could be good enough, so I wouldn’t even try.

Maybe that was a terrible attitude. I wasn’t sure. It probably wasn’t healthy, though. Zoey and I had enjoyed a little weekend fling, and that was all it had been. Only, I had been hurt when she’d immediately jumped to conclusions about me and Debra. I didn’t care that Zoey wanted space. Everyone was entitled to space. She hadn’t just wanted space, though. She’d gotten the completely wrong idea about me, and she hadn’t even given me the chance to explain. That was what had hurt.

It was time to get started with the rehearsal. Everyone was there aside from two people. We headed inside of the church to meet with the pastor. He was waiting inside with a big grin. He welcomed everyone to the church, and he hugged the bride and groom. This was a guy that loved weddings.

“We’re just waiting on a couple of people,” Lauren said. She looked over her shoulder toward the doors of the church, but Zoey and Heath didn’t magically appear. “Can you call her?” Lauren asked Felix. She seemed a little nervous that they weren’t here yet, and I had to admit that it was definitely a little strange.


He stepped aside to give his sister a call. It really was a little bit odd that they hadn’t arrived at the church yet. The maid of honor was supposed to be at the rehearsal, and Heath might not have been the best man, but he was still important to Felix. If he didn’t show up, he wasn’t going to be able to do his duties. Almost as soon as Felix lifted the phone to his ear, the doors to the church burst open, and Heath and Zoey came running inside.

“I’m sorry!” Zoey cried out. “Sorry we’re late. Sorry!” She looked wildly embarrassed. Her hair was a little messed up and a tiny bit frizzy. Her dress was wrinkled, and one of her shoelaces was untied. Normally, I’d think it was stran

ge to wear Converse to a rehearsal dinner but coupled with her black skirt and white corset top, it worked. She looked incredible.

She also looked like she’d just been fucked.

Instantly, my heart started racing. Zoey and Heath? Were they an item? I silently reminded myself not to jump to conclusions. I also reminded myself that Zoey and I were not an item. We’d never been an item. There was nothing about this that should upset me. I’d be a big boy, and I’d deal with the situation in a polite, respectable way.

I’d lived a wonderful life before Zoey Lane sucked my dick.

I could continue living a wonderful life.

“Glad you could make it,” Lauren rushed over and hugged everyone. “Is everything okay?”

“Car trouble,” Zoey said. She shot a sideways glance at me. So, she did know I existed. “Heath got a flat. I’m really sorry. We put the donut on, but it took us a little while.”

Heath looked a little embarrassed, and I suddenly felt bad for him. Apparently, he hadn’t known how to change a tire. He was one of our buddies from undergrad. He hadn’t gone to law school with us, but we kept in touch with him. He was a good guy. He had a kind heart. That was probably what Felix liked about him. It was definitely worthy of being in the wedding.

“Sorry,” Heath mumbled. Then he looked at Felix. “I should have called you, man.”

“It’s cool,” Felix nodded.

“Well then,” the pastor rubbed his hands together. “Everyone’s here now?”

“Ready and accounted for,” Felix nodded.

“Then let’s get started.”

“WHO KNEW THERE WERE so many ways to walk wrong?” Zoey mumbled after we’d walked down the aisle together for the fifth time. Touching her had felt like magic the first time, but we’d been rehearsing for the wedding for over an hour, and we were all hungry and tired. Lauren desperately wanted everything to be perfect, and while I loved and respected her, it was getting to be a bit much.

“Just keep smiling,” I said to Zoey. “You’re doing a great job.”

“Thanks,” she whispered. “I just need to fake it well enough for them to let us leave.”

“Big plans tonight?”

“Not with Heath, if that’s what you mean,” she looked over at me, trying to gauge whether I was jealous or not. “He just drove me here.”

I cringed a little at the insinuation that I might be upset about her seeing someone. Zoey and I weren’t together. We weren’t. I didn’t have any right to be bothered or upset if she and Heath were together.

“Was my question that obvious?”

“Not to anyone else,” Zoey said kindly. “Just to me. I know that I would have felt jealous if I’d seen you show up with someone else, too.”

“Is that so?”

Tags: Sophie Stern Romance