Page 12 of Heartless

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“Every breathing person in this hotel likes that dress, Zoey, and judging by the way you took your time looking around the banquet hall, I think you know that.”

She smiled coyly, took my arm, and allowed me to lead her inside. There was no doubt in my mind that this was something she was allowing. Zoey only did as much as she wanted to when it came to personal contact. She wasn’t the type of person who could be coerced into much, and that was part of what made her fun.

We went back through the lobby, but instead of taking her back to the hall where Felix and Lauren were entertaining their many guests, I found a quiet corner and guided Zoey to it. She smelled incredible, like vanilla and cinnamon, and she didn’t seem to mind me touching her as I gestured for her to take a seat. Somehow, she managed to sit down gracefully without flashing anyone, but there was no way that was an easy feat.

“Well?” She said. “Why were you asking me about gambling?”

“Because I have a proposition.”

“What is it?”

“I want to play a little game with you.”

“What kind of game?”

“The kind that you’ll like.”

She considered this for a moment, but then she nodded, just as I knew she would. Zoey couldn’t resist a challenge. She also couldn’t resist a chance to show me that she was smarter than me. Despite not having contact with her for so long, I knew exactly what she was like. We’d grown up together, after all, and Zoey was ever the little sister. She wanted to prove she was better than her brother. She always had. Now, she wanted to prove she was better than me.

“The terms are simple,” I said. “You spend the evening with me, and I bet that by the end of the night, you’ll have had the best orgasm of your life.”

She sputtered, obviously not prepared for that, and when she composed herself, she shook her head.

“What the hell are you talking about?’

“One evening,” I told her. “Give me tonight. By the end of the party, if you haven’t had the best orgasm you’ve ever had, then I lose the bet.”

“Um, okay,” she whispered, biting her lip. She wiggled a little, and I knew she was thinking about it. She probably had a million questions racing through her head, starting with who I thought I was. “What are the prizes?” She finally asked. “Like, if I win, and I don’ know...what do I win?”

“Besides the orgasm?”

“Yes, obviously.”

“I’ll leave you alone,” I said. “And I won’t bother you anymore. I won’t talk to you or ask you about yourself. I’ll let you live your life perfectly as you have been.”

“And if I lose,” she whispered.

“Then you have to go on a date with me.”

“You want to go on a date with me?” She asked.

“Yes, very much so.”

“Why?” She whispered. “You’re my brother’s best friend. Don’t you view me as-”

“A little sister?” I finished for her.


“No,” I laughed. “I’ve never viewed you as that.”


“Why?” I asked her, smirking. “Do you view me like a brother?”

“No!” She protested a little too quickly, a little too loudly. A few heads turned, but everyone quickly went back to their own private conversations. “No,” she said again, lowering her voice. We were off in the corner, but there were still people walking around, talking and laughing.

“Good,” I said. “So, this should be easy.” I reached out, and I placed my hand on her knee. We were sitting across from one another. My legs were open, manspreading-style, and hers were clutched tightly together. She looked like she was trying to keep herself completely composed, but I could tell that she liked the idea.

Tags: Sophie Stern Romance