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He’d chosen this house carefully, taking the time to choose a place where he would feel comfortable being himself. While Declan had created the world’s most wonderful treehouse and Christopher had chosen a high-tech home in the heart of the city, Brian had moved to the beach.

He felt at peace here.

He couldn’t quite put a finger on exactly why he loved this place so much, except that things felt simple.

He called Christopher.

“Brother?” Christopher answered on the first ring. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

“It doesn’t sound like you were asleep,” Brian pointed out.

“Of course not. You know I’m a night owl.”

“Is everything okay?” Christopher’s mate, Allison, was near to him. Her voice carried to the phone, and although she wasn’t the one actually speaking to Brian, he could hear her clearly.

“It’s Brian,” Christopher said. “Go ahead to the bath. I’ll be there soon.”



So, Christopher and his mate were busy tonight, too. How interesting. It seemed as though Brian wasn’t the only Monster dragon playing around tonight.

“What’s going on, brother?” Christopher asked.

“I’m sorry for interrupting.”

“You’re fine.”

“I need to ask you something.”


Brian knew it was a little crazy to call his brother in the middle of the night. His brother was a true night owl, as he’d said, but Brian still felt bad. There was no reason that this question couldn’t wait for Monday, but somehow, he kind of started to feel like it couldn’t.

“How did you know Allison was your mate?”


It was complete silence on the other end of the call. Brian pulled his phone away from his ear to check it. Sure enough, the call was still connected.


“Brian, you’re calling me in the middle of the night to ask how I knew that Allison was my mate?”

“Um, yes?”

“Who is she?”

He tensed.


“Who is she?”

“There’s no one. It’s just a question.”

“Bullshit,” Christopher laughed. “You met someone.”

Tags: Sophie Stern The Feisty Dragons Fantasy