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I don’t know.

Luckily, I don’t have to wait long to find out.

Chapter 4


The Claw Valley clinic is long overdue for a pediatrician. When I accepted the job as the town children’s doctor, I knew I’d be walking into a place that wasn’t used to outsiders. I understood that. It was going to be part of the job.

What I didn’t know was that there was going to be a line of kids who had come down with a local virus or that my entire first day would be spent administering tests and giving instructions for at-home virus care.

Going to the bar after work had been a way to relieve stress after treating dozens of sick shifter children. I hadn’t meant to meet a beautiful bartender. I hadn’t meant to download a dating app. I hadn’t meant to find someone who would keep me up all night talking.

I don’t know why I felt such a strange connection with the wolf on the dating app. It’s not like me to find someone digitally. It’s definitely not like me to find someone to connect with in the virtual world. I’m all about cold, hard facts.

Is the woman I’m dating someone I can see a future with?

Do we have similar career paths?

Does she have the same set of moral beliefs as me?

There are certain things that you just have to match with in order to start moving forward, but for some reason, I threw all of that away last night.

I threw it all away and stopped worrying about anything except the moment, and it felt good. It felt so good.

After I told her to masturbate, I did the same thing. I stroked my cock thinking about the beautiful wolf woman who was rubbing her sweet pussy as she thought of me. It’s probably wrong and it’s definitely a little messed up, but I love knowing that she can’t get enough of me. I love knowing that my cock made her hard.

I didn’t have to work the next day. My shifts at the clinic are going to be rotating so that we can keep it open seven days a week for emergencies and urgent issues. This is good since it means I can sleep in and take a day to rest after staying up late into the night.

By the time I wake up, it’s nearly dinnertime.

It’s nearly time to start getting ready for my date.

My date.

I actually have a date.

I go for a quick run around town before returning to the little place I’m renting. It’s close to the clinic, which means I’m never far. If there’s some sort of emergency of problem, I can be there almost instantly. It’s the reason I chose that place. It doesn’t hurt that my landlady is a nice little beaver shifter who lives on the first floor.

My upstairs apartment has a second, separate entrance, so I don’t have to worry about disturbing Greta when I go out or come home. She understands that I’m a doctor, so I keep weird hours and I won’t be around much to chat, but I think she likes knowing that there’s someone around in case she needs someone.

By the time I get home, eat, shower, and look at my phone, it’s almost time to go. I open the app to send my lady wolf a message, only to discover that she’s sent me one herself.

WOLF: Are we still on for tonight?

Quickly, I type out a response.

BEAR: I can’t wait.

WOLF: Good. I’m going to wear something extra special. Just for you.

BEAR: Aren’t we meeting in our shifter forms?

WOLF: Oh yeah...I guess I’ll be meeting you naked.

And just like that, my dick is totally hard again.


Tags: Sophie Stern Team Shifter Fantasy