“I think you may be,” Eugene said, and his smile put cold chills down Darla’s spine. “I’m offering you Breck.”

Darla’s suddenly-numb fingers fumbled the final button. She made herself draw in a breath. “What do you mean?” she said as neutrally as she could.

“It’s true, isn’t it,” Eugene said, his smile widening. “It wasn’t just that you slept with the waiter, you’re actually in love with him. You think he’s your mate.”

Darla let herself think about Breck for one brief, happy moment. Her mate. She remembered his smiling face beneath the van, his face so unbelievably handsome and dear, lit by the flashlight, as he gave her something no one could take away. Her smile in Eugene’s direction was accidentally soft and he took it as an invitation to step closer and settle one of the necklaces over her neck.

“Marry me,” he said near her ear. “Tell Liam to step aside and let me challenge. Your mother will have to approve the marriage and I’ll let you have your little something on the side. He can work in the kitchen, or the garden, or wherever the hell you want, and keep your bed warm on weekends, I get your hand, and your hoard. You can spend your half on Liam and his old people, if you want.”

“That’s not how dragon contracts work,” Darla reminded him, shuddering away from his touch. “You know I wouldn’t be able to cheat on my husband.”

“I could get the contract changed,” Eugene promised. “Maybe one that allowed divorce…”

Darla looked at Eugene in confusion. Did he think she was so naive that she thought that would be possible?

“You couldn’t do that,” she said in disbelief.

“I could,” Eugene said confidently. “But only if you marry me. You marry Liam, and you’re trapped forever.”

Darla stared at him. He believed what he was saying. He somehow thought he had the power to make her mother amend the contract. And he thought that Darla would conclude that it was worth marrying him for that chance.

It only hardened her resolve.

She would marry Liam.

She would protect the rest home, and the resort. She would marry her friend and say goodbye to her true love, and it would be worth it.

She’d had more than she could ever have asked for; three nights of love, three nights of perfect happiness with her mate.

She could not quite keep the smile of satisfaction that spread out over her face. “Thank you,” she said with all of her practiced serenity. “But I’m afraid I have a better offer.” She turned back to the mirror and adjusted one of the necklaces so that it weighed at her neck a little less.

Eugene’s expression in the mirror was briefly unguarded and ugly. “You’ll regret that choice,” he threatened quietly as there was a clatter of people returning at the door to the spa. “I will get everything I want anyway, and you’ll wish you’d said yes when you had the chance.”

“I did say yes when I had the chance,” Darla replied with a smirk, equally quiet. “Just not to you.”

Chapter 36

Breck skidded into the Den. “Where’s Graham?”

Jenny and Laura, in perfect twin unison, pointed to where Graham was coming out of the kitchen carrying a plate loaded with leftovers for breakfast.

Graham scowled at Breck as he went to sit at the kitchen bar that separated the living area from the kitchen. “Which flower bed have you destroyed this time?” he asked crossly.

Breck ignored the gibe. “I need you to teach me how to fight.”

That got him the attention of everyone in common area. Tex, Travis, Bastian, and Wrench had been playing poker with chore IOUs, and they all folded their cards and put them down in unison.

“What did you do?” demanded Laura.

“Shouldn’t that be who did you do?” Travis teased.

Tex was shaking his head. “Jealous husband?” he guessed.

“Jealous wife?” Bastian speculated.

Graham gave Breck a long, knowing look. “What are you doing?” he asked gruffly.

“I’m getting hitched,” Breck said merrily. “If I can avoid getting killed.” He gave Jenny a crooked grin. “You might want to go talk to Scarlet — there could be a big lawsuit pending, but we’re hoping not. There’s a loophole.”

Tags: Zoe Chant Shifting Sands Resort Fantasy