“You can just… wait, what?”

“I don’t even know what some of these things are,” she admitted shyly. Her cheeks were still red, but it was a delighted flush, and she was licking her lips with interest. “Will you show me?” She turned to reach into the drawer, coming up with a gleaming silver ring… the tamest of the offerings of the drawer.

Breck swallowed hard. “I’m afraid it’s a little late for that one,” he said, chuckling. “I’d need a cold shower or the funeral of a friend to get me into that right now.”

He closed the distance between them and took it from her fingers, pausing to kiss her. “But we could probably make some inroads on this drawer tonight…” He selected a silk blindfold and watched her smile widen.

Chapter 31

Darla was keenly aware of Eugene’s eyes on her as they all sat for breakfast. Did he seem suspicious? Or just thoughtful? She had wondered at his easy acceptance of Liam’s challenge. Though he’d growled and probably taken his temper out on his staff, he hadn’t done any of the things that Darla had been afraid he would, like threaten Liam’s family, or work harder to persuade her mother that Liam wasn’t acceptable.

She had the uncomfortable feeling he was waiting for something, like he was still planning to spring some last minute nasty surprise on her.

She picked at her omelet until Alison kindly said, “It all kind of makes you want to elope, doesn’t it?”

Darla, caught thinking about Breck, stared at her a startled moment before remembering her practiced laugh. “It would certainly be much simpler,” she said with a smile. “So many names to remember! The left hand takes the chalice, the right hand takes the flower. Don’t drop the chalice on the officiant. The train of the dress always in the right hand. I hope I keep it all straight!”

Everyone laughed, exactly as she meant them to, even Eugene, and the photographer who had been tailing them all morning snapped a dozen candid photos.

“It will be the shifter wedding of the century,” Jubilee said in delight. “Did I tell you that I’ve already been contacted by two magazines who want to run a big photo spread on us? I’m still considering their offers, of course.”

Darla smiled wanly as the others at the table congratulated Jubilee and the conversation once more revolved around her mother. Then she caught Eugene’s narrow-eyed look again, and had to fight to keep her face serene. Did he know? Everyone was giggling over her not-so-secret nights with Liam, but did he guess that it wasn’t Liam’s cottage she was sneaking away to?

Chef brought her a plate of fruit and rolls, giving her a private wink as she caught sight of a carved rose carrot and blushed. She smiled at him gratefully.

Liam, across from her, gave her a tolerant shake of the head and put his wrist with the bracelet that was starting to glow into his lap, much as she had hers.

After the lengthy breakfast, and a parade of formal congratulations from all the new guests, Darla was permitted to escape to the spa, where she could find a few moments of peace with cucumbers on her eyes and let the drone of the other guests fade into the background.

Laura gave her the hot wet towel to remove the facial, and shared a knowing look and secret smile with her.

Darla smiled back.

It was ironic that she felt more included in little staff secrets than she did in her own wedding.

“We’re going to see that the event hall has been decorated according to my specifications,” Jubilee said, interrupting the moment of peace to haul her away from the spa. “And that the dais is completed and the shelter for the vigil doesn’t look too cheap. I want everything perfect to start things off tomorrow night.”

She had a new audience for her lavish plans, so Jubilee was in her element, extolling in great detail how she had faithfully researched dragon custom to come up with the most authentic ceremony possible. Distant aunts, dragon socialites, and important people from the guest list that Darla had dutifully memorized the week before followed her, chattering about how lovely the resort was, and admiring Jubilee’s thoroughness. Darla trailed at the rear of the party, watching the photographer dart among them to snap celebrity shots.

Chapter 32

“Don’t forget,” Travis said mockingly. “The bunting has to be exactly 24 inches from the ceiling. From the ceiling, not from the trim.” His imitation of Jubilee’s voice was close enough to elicit laughter from the rest of the staff working on finalizing the decoration of the event hall. Even Graham, hauling flowering plants in big pots, gave a guffaw.

Breck, at the top of a ladder with the staple gun, a measuring tape, and a roll of the fluffy bunting, defiantly attached it 25 inches below the ceiling.

There, he thought sourly. Wedding ruined.

It was the last day before the ridiculous two-day ceremony began, and he was in knots. This was his last night with Darla. His last night before he lost her forever, and dammit, he needed to make it memorable.

But sex didn’t seem like the answer.

He loved their bedplay, and there was no doubting that she enjoyed it equally, but he felt like there was something more meaningful he ought to be doing. Something she would treasure forever.

“Wedding party incoming!” Jenny called urgently from the door. “They’re crossing the lawn now!”

Staff scrambled.

Breck abandoned the staple gun and measuring tape, letting the bunting unroll, and scaled down the ladder hastily.

Tags: Zoe Chant Shifting Sands Resort Fantasy