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“We’re trying to name the house before Scarlet labels it something bland like Palm House or Cliff Columns,” Travis explained. “I’m surprised you’re back here for the night.”

“I’m going to veto Menagerie,” Jenny said from the far couch. “Too suggestive.”

“But Animal House is way too National Lampoon,” Travis added.

“The Furever House?” Breck suggested.

Jenny made a gagging noise and Graham, the lion shifter gardener, grunted negatively.

“It sounds like a pet rescue,” Travis scoffed.

Breck blew him a raspberry. “You come up with something,” he said. “Who wants a beer?”

Bastian settled into his usual chair with a bottle of beer, enjoying the camaraderie of the staff and the warm glow that still lingered from being in the presence of his mate.

“The Zoo?” suggested Jenny.

The others considered until Travis reluctantly said, “Too many memories of Beehag’s zoo,” and they all murmured in agreement.

Alistair Beehag, the previous owner of the island, had captured shifters, forced them into their animal forms, and kept them in a cruel zoo. The resort staff had helped free them, almost a year ago, but memories of the angry, sometimes damaged, victims were still fresh. A gazelle shifter named Gizelle for lack of a previous name had been imprisoned since she as a child, and had no memories besides iron bars and torture. The odd, ageless woman was still skittish and sometimes outright incoherent.

“The Predators?” Bastian suggested.

“Jenny lives here now, and an otter isn’t really a predator,” Breck said thoughtfully.

Jenny bared her white teeth at him. “Says someone who isn’t a fish.”

“Sounds like a team mascot, not a house,” Travis said dismissively. “Anyway, with luck, we’ll be moving to our own place soon enough. I’m going to ask Scarlet if we can renovate one of the houses up the hill.”

Jenny cuddled into his side and purred, “What a beautiful idea!”

“Don’t ask Scarlet this week,” Breck warned them. “She’s in a terrible mood. She was already on edge after the World Mr. Shifter event, and the storm did nothing to improve matters.”

“Tooth Towers,” Graham suggested unexpectedly.

“Hmm,” Breck said.

“I like it,” Travis said.

“Meh,” said Jenny, less enthused.

“If we don’t decide on something, it’ll end up being Grouch Gables or something,” Breck reminded them.

“Why aren’t you with your mate tonight?” Jenny asked Bastian frankly. “She hasn’t rejected you, has she?” Beside her, Travis took her hand and squeezed it.

Bastian didn’t take offense to the idea, shaking his head. “Our courtship is just beginning,” he said patiently.

“Guh,” said Breck. “Dragons.” Then he leaned forward curiously. “Have you found out what she is?”

Bastian shook his head. “It’s not important,” he said dismissively.

“Your family won’t be happy if she’s not a dragon,” Graham said sagely.

A spark of anger lit in Bastian at the reminder of his family. “It’s not their business,” he said sharply. “And what do you know about dragons or my family anyway?”

Graham, unfazed, only shrugged in reply.

“Stick to plants,” Bastian growled at him.

Tags: Zoe Chant Shifting Sands Resort Fantasy