Timothy grimaced. “They did. Fortunately, we always knew right away that we weren’t mates, so usually we just hung out at the beach together if someone set us up for a date. I love this town, and I love my people, and I really didn’t want romance to complicate things, you know?”

“That sounds so much easier,” Liana sighed. “I’d never have dated Benny back in college if something had told me right away that he wasn’t the one. Though I guess I always knew he wasn’t perfect—but I thought it was my fault, you know? That I just had to try harder, that I wanted too much...”

“It’s not wanting too much to want someone who appreciates you. Who loves you, no ifs or buts.”

Timothy’s voice was serious, and when she turned towards him, she wondered what it was like to go through life knowing that you had a soulmate somewhere—and fearing that you’d never meet her. That you’d die alone, while everyone around you was blissfully happy. No wonder he’d preferred to put on a mask to hide behind.

She slid her hand into his again, smiling up at him.

“So I’m starting to learn,” she said softly.

His fingers squeezed hers. Warmth flooded her body. Her body throbbed with sudden need—but despite her desire for him, she still felt calm and relaxed. As if having him by her side meant that she was completely safe.

There was nothin

g to fear, as long as she had him. Maybe they really could make this work—together.

“Here it is,” he said a moment later, breaking the silence.

When she looked up, she found that they had stopped in front of the cutest coffee shop she’d ever seen.

Before them, a square had opened up. It was surrounded by more houses and shops. Next to the coffee shop, there was a small library—and across the street, a shop promising computer repairs, which had cute gaming merchandise in a window that made her heart beat higher.

Good to know I won’t be the only geek around here...

She didn’t even know where the thought had come from. Was she seriously considering moving in with Timothy? She’d always been a city girl...

“Chameleon Coffee,” she said to distract herself, reading the sign someone had hung over the shop’s door. It showed a large chameleon with an even longer tongue, which was dipped into a steaming cup of coffee.

“Try the Chameleon Macchiato,” a voice from inside suggested.

When they stepped in, they found themselves in a surprisingly roomy shop. There were several tables—and lots of outlets for power cords, Liana expertly spied.

I could bring my laptop and work here for a few hours if I get too lonely in his beach mansion...

There was also a high table running along the window. Two giggling teenagers sat in the far corner, drinking some concoction that seemed to consist mainly of whipped cream and glittery sugar powder, hunched over their phones.

In another corner, two women Liana’s age were sitting, both with laptops open as they intensely discussed something on their screens.

Liana’s smile widened. Now this really felt like home.

“What’s in the Chameleon Macchiato?” she asked curiously.

The barista grinned at her. She looked like she was only twenty, with shortish, artfully tousled hair dyed a bright aquamarine with streaks of turquoise green. She had a nose piercing, too, and beneath her blue-green-pink apron, Liana could make out the telltale shape of the Star Wars logo on her shirt.

Now this was definitely familiar grounds.

“Two shots of espresso, cream, Chameleon sprinkles and layers of vanilla, strawberry, coconut, chocolate and salted caramel syrup,” the barista declared cheerfully. “I know, sounds gross, but it tastes divine. If you don’t stir it, you get to experience the real chameleon magic as you drink it layer by layer and it magically changes color.”

“Ooh,” Liana said, intrigued. “That sounds like I need to try it.”

“And the usual for you?” the girl asked, turning towards Timothy.

He shook his head. “A Chameleon Macchiato for me as well, please. It’s been a while. And one each of the donuts.”

“Good choice,” the barista said approvingly.

As she turned to the right to start preparing their coffee, Liana noted her name badge. It said “Aimee”.

Tags: Zoe Chant Elemental Mates Paranormal