She really hadn’t thought that through when coming up with the suggestion for the game designers...

Hissing, their tails thrashing back and forth, the group of fire dragons advanced.

At the same time, all three dragons opened their jaws. Flames shot forward.

This time, with three flames mingling, it looked like a pillar of wildfire came tearing down the alley right towards her.

Liana cried out in fear as she felt the incredible heat against her face—and then her ocean dragon roared and spread his wings.

From nowhere, a wall of water had appeared between them and the dragons. As she watched, the jets of fire hit the wall—and turned into harmless steam.

Again the fire dragons roared in anger. All of a sudden, one of them rose into the air, beating his wings as his head came forward. At the same time, the two other dragons advanced, hissing as they shot more fire at the water barrier.

From above, the third dragon simultaneously released another jet of flame that came straight at them.

Just in time, her ocean dragon answered the attack with one of his own.

This time, the fountain of water he spewed forth was so powerful that it didn’t only completely extinguish the fire the third dragon had sent their way, but it enveloped their attacker in the air as well.

The fire dragon screeched as the water hit his body. Steam rose from him, as if there was an inner fire that had been extinguished. Struggling to keep his wings beating, he crashed to the ground a moment later, and the ocean dragon used the moment of distraction.

The wall of water that had shielded them from the other two dragons suddenly began to wobble. Then, without warning, it collapsed to the outside, more and more water joining the flood until it washed the two remaining dragons away in a giant wave.

Wide-eyed, Liana kept staring at the battle raging in front of her.

She’d never seen anything like it. She still didn’t believe this was real—but for once, her body knew better than her mind, her heart racing with panic.

Still clutching her phone tightly in her hands, she began to inch away along the wall. If she could make it out of the alley, she’d find other people, phones—and cops.

She didn’t even make it halfway to the end of the alley when from out of nowhere, a fourth fire dragon appeared.

She didn’t get more than a second’s glimpse of red scales before large, black claws tightened around her body.

A heartbeat later, she was in the air.

She shouted, wriggling desperately despite the tight grip the claws had on her—until she saw just how far up they were, the alley far below now.

Terrified, she froze. If she fell from this height, she’d be dead...

That was when the fire dragon’s claws released her.

And then she was falling.

She knew she was screaming, even though she could hear the sound of her voice only as a distant roar. Her heart was beating so fast that her chest ached. She couldn’t breathe, she could only stare at the ground below that was rushing up to meet her...

And then something closed around her, stopping her fall.

Dizzily, she twisted her head, certain that she was about to die. She caught a glimpse of claws the deep blue of the ocean at night, and scales that gleamed blue and green like the waters lapping at a Caribbean beach.

Then everything went dark.

Chapter Six: Timothy

Timothy was beating his wings, flying faster than he’d ever flown before. His mate was unconscious—unharmed, he thought, but even so it had been a close call.

Every now and then, he twisted his head around to make certain that their attackers weren’t following them, but they’d scattered and fled as soon as he’d rescued Liana.

Three of them had barely been able to fly after he’d beaten them. But the fourth had appeared out of nowhere, tricking him while the other three had distracted them.

Tags: Zoe Chant Elemental Mates Paranormal