He stood up, lifting her in his arms. Jacqueline wrapped her legs around his waist and heat raced through her. “Downstairs?” she gasped. He nodded.

It was a tight fit, but Arlo maneuvered them both down the ladder without so much as brushing her head against the ceiling. He put her down so gently Jacqueline still felt as though she was floating feet above the floor.

This wasn’t her first time. She’d only ever been with Derek, but it wasn’t as though they’d had a dead bedroom. They’d had clumsy figuring-it-out sex when they first got together, exhausted wedding-day sex and increasingly good honeymoon sex, lazy sleep-in sex and crazy late-night sex and…

…Rigorously scheduled sex, increasingly clinical sex, sex where she’d found herself thinking a turkey baster would be more efficient or at least more pleasant…

But that was then. And this was now, and now she was with Arlo, and sex could be something thrilling and wonderful again, and her skin was singing with the need to be touched.

And to touch.

Arlo was watching her, still tentative. She stepped forward and slid her hands under his shirt. His abs were smooth and hard under her fingertips, his skin so hot she gasped.

He shivered under her touch. “Too slow?” she asked.

“Don’t stop.”

Jacqueline looked up at him through her lashes. She smiled and kept exploring.

Arlo had a dark treasure trail that disappeared behind his belt. She ignored it—for now—and moved her hands further up. When she got to his chest, she couldn’t hold back from pressing her whole palms against his pecs and sighing.

“God, Jacqueline,” Arlo gasped. She pushed his shirt up further, pulling it off over his head and ran her hands over his shoulders, down his back, everywhere she could reach.

“You’re incredible,” she murmured, kissing his collarbone and dipping her head to lay more kisses down his chest. “I can’t stop touching you.”

He was so hot under her hands, firm and strong and unbelievably, inconceivably real. This was what she’d wanted for so long. What she’d been scrimping and saving for. Taking life by the horns.

Or, in this case…

The sight of Arlo’s treasure trail had sparked an idea in her head. She let her hands drift down until they reached his belt buckle.

“I want to do something for you,” she murmured, and got on her knees.

“You…” Arlo gasped and licked his lips. “I’ve never—you don’t have to if you don’t want…”

“I want to. So much. Do you?” If he’d never been with anyone before…

Jacqueline’s skin warmed. She’d never thought she would be the one with more knowledge about, well, anything.

“Yes.” Arlo’s voice was hoarse.

Jacqueline undid his belt buckle slowly, then his flies, and eased his pants down over his hips. Then his boxers. Like unwrapping a present, she thought, and…. Oh, lord…

Arlo’s treasure trail and deep V led down to a cock tha

t made her suddenly ache inside. She wanted him inside her, filling her deep until she couldn’t control herself any more. She wanted to touch it, touch him. She’d barely touched her wine at the restaurant but she was drunk with joy at finally escaping the paralyzed shell of her life and daring to want something more.

She stroked Arlo’s cock, running her fingers along the thick shaft and brushing her lips against its head. He gasped and she turned the brush into a kiss, tasting him, glorying in every shivering breath her mouth and tongue ripped from his body.

She took him in deeper and Arlo moaned so deep she could feel it in her bones. He began to tremble and she pulled back, gazing up at him with her lips just touching his very tip.

He collapsed to his knees in front of her and kissed her, his teeth grazing her hot lips. “Let me do that to you,” he begged.

Jacqueline lay back on the bed. There was hardly enough room for Arlo to hold himself above her. He kissed his way down her body, tentative, pausing after he kissed each new part of her to see her reaction. When she gasped out loud as his tongue flicked over her nipple he did it again, harder, until she felt as though he’d barely need to look at her clit for her to come.

He slowed down as he reached her stomach, tantalizingly gentle. He laid a trail of kisses down the crease of her hip and looked up at her.

Jacqueline could hardly breath. The sight of him between her thighs, eyes hot, mouth hotter, almost sent her over the edge.

Tags: Zoe Chant Hideaway Cove Paranormal