Page 39 of Little Miami Girl

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head. I looked at him, scared for my life as I watched him slowly try to work his dick inside of me. It hurt so badly, causing a lone tear to fall from my eyes that Jah quickly kissed away. To keep my mind off of the pain, Jah brought his lips to mine and I whimpered against them, still feeling the pain.

“Hmmm, Jahh,” I cried against his lips as he worked his pelvis into my body.

Jah began to make slow, circular grinds that were beginning to feel good now. I was no longer crying as I hungrily kissed him.

“It feel better now, baby?” Jah asked me.

The way he called me baby caused a flow of juices to come out of my body. I didn’t even think that I could get any wetter for him than I already was. I nodded my head yes because I couldn’t find the words to answer him right away. Jah removed his hands from over my head and brought his hands to my knees, spreading my legs as far as they could go, stroking me deeper.

“It’s so wet and tight, baby,” Jah grunted as he made love to my body.

The look on his face was as if he were in heaven and he had never experienced a feeling so good before. When he pulled my legs up, putting them behind my head, I started moaning like crazy because I could feel all of the pressure now.

“Ohh Jahh. Ohh Jahhh,” I moaned repeatedly as tears of pleasure seeped out of my eyes.

“I swear I will kill over this pussy, Antonia. You’re mine now! You understand that?” Jah asked me, sinking his hips deeper into me.

“Ohhh,” I screamed as he continued to work me.

“Answer my question, Antonia!” Jah said, slapping me hard on my thigh.

“Yes, I understand” I moaned. “Godddd, I’m cumming,” I screamed to the top of my lungs.

We went at it all night until the wee hours of the morning. What started out as slow, passionate sex turned into some hard fuckin’ that I knew would have me walking with a limp the next morning. Jah made my body feel so good and he made sure that I got my nut before he got his. Here we lay, wrapped up in each other’s arms and I never wanted him to let me go. I placed a kiss on his bare chest and then looked him in his eyes.

‘Now what?” I asked him.

I wanted us to get out of this friend zone thing that we had going on. I just gave him something very personal to me and I hoped that it counted for something.

“At first, I didn’t want to put no titles on us because I knew that I wasn’t ready for commitment, but being around you these last eight months really changed my whole damn mindset on life. I want to give this relationship a try, not only because you just gave me your body, but because I love the person you are and I want to continue to put a smile on your face,” Jah told me.

I was so happy because for the first time in my life, I had a damn boyfriend. I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face that night.

The next day

Jah had dropped me off home later on the next night because I knew that I needed to take my ass home. I’m pretty sure that my aunt was waiting at home for me, with a belt in her hand, since I didn’t come home last night. After spending the night with Jah last night, I didn’t want to come back to this place that I called home but I knew that I had to. After sticking my key inside the door, I walked in to find my aunt and Rick sitting on the couch, watching TV.

“Your little fast ass better be lucky my damn back is killing me because I swear I would beat your ass right now! You think you so damn grown and can’t come home? Keep fuckin’ with me, Antonia,” my aunt threatened.

Rick looked at me with a scowl on his face. I chose to keep my mouth shut and just made my way to the back. All three of my cousins were in the bed sleep. I set down my duffle bag and changed out of my clothes, throwing on some pajamas.

I laid in the bed for about three hours watching TV and then I went and closed the bedroom door. I couldn’t lock it because the doorknob was no longer on the door. I had a feeling that Rick was staying over here tonight and I didn’t want him coming into the room, fuckin’ with me. Once I was in the bed, I turned on my side and went into a peaceful sleep.

“You gave that nigga some of my pussy?” Rick asked me as he stood over me on the bed. I looked over and my cousins were still asleep.

God, please don’t let this happen to me again, I said in my head.

“Rick, please get out. What the hell do you want from me?” I asked, as tears fell from my eyes. I couldn’t believe that this was about to happen to me again.

“Either you or I’ll go over and touch those two, sweet little cousins of yours,” Rick said.

I softly cried and threw my head back on the pillow. I could hear him removing his pants and then he climbed on top of me. It was going on three in the morning and him and I were the only two up in the house.

“I know you had that nigga sample my pussy and I’m about to teach your little ass a fuckin lesson,” Rick said, leaning his face into mines and kissing me.

“You better get the fuck off of her or I swear to God I will blow your fuckin’ brains out!” I heard a voice say.

I looked up and it was Porsha, standing there with a small .22 in her hands.

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