Page 15 of A Miami Love Tale

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“Nae, I will be home soon baby,” he said into the phone and then hung up. No goodbye, no I love you, not nothing!

I couldn’t help but to think that our marriage was suddenly losing that spark. I used to be so happy with Sincere, but lately things had changed and they weren’t for the better, either. I mean, how could I possibly be happy now if the man was hardly home? I spent my days home alone with our daughter, but that would all change in a few months because she was going to be starting school pretty soon. It’s like whenever I tried to have a conversation with my husband, he always made it seem like I was bothering him or some shit. Most nights when we would come home, I would lay in the den waiting for him to come home, but it was going on two in the morning and I ended up falling asleep on the couch with my daughter, so I decided to just head upstairs. When I called Sincere, I was hoping that he was going to say that he was on his way home, but from all the niggas and shit in the background, I could tell that he wouldn’t be coming home anytime soon like he said.

I turned the lamp off and placed my phone on the dresser, leaving it on loud just in case he decided to call me, and then I took my ass to sleep, asking God to fix my marriage before I closed my eyes. When I read those vows, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, I meant it. But I know one thing, I would hate to have to walk away from our marriage due to the simple fact that I was feeling ignored and rejected.


I loved my wife more than anything in this entire world, God knows I did. I know lately she been feeling like I’ve been neglecting her but trust me, I wasn’t doing that shit on purpose. I had my own record label which led me to be in the studio until the wee hours of the morning. I just signed this male group by the name of Dem Boyz. Those lil niggas was the truth, and I saw so much potential in them. We were trying to finish up their album and I was pushing to have it done by the end of the month, but having my wife constantly calling me every five minutes was making a nigga lose focus. Nae knows that I love her and that a nigga would lay down my damn life for her, but I just needed her to let me work. I thought by me getting my money the legal way now, that she would cut a nigga some slack, but the shit honestly felt like it had gotten worse. I don’t get mad though, because I know that my wife doesn’t like to go to sleep unless I’m there with her, but I swear I was busting my ass like this for us. Shit, I wanted my daughter and my wife to have the finest things in life, that’s why I worked so damn hard. I promised myself that once we finished this album, I was going to take a break and take Nae on a vacation. She deserved that and much more.

I didn’t leave the studio until about three that morning, and I knew my wife and daughter would be passed out by the time I got to the house. I pulled up to our luxurious home that consisted of six bedrooms and four baths. Nae’s ass pretty much decorated this whole house by herself; she didn’t let a nigga have an input on shit. I let Nae run shit to a certain extent. When it came to her decorating the house, I felt like that was a woman’s job, so I didn’t even trip on that. But other than that, Nae knew I was running shit around here and she didn’t give me any problems. I walked inside the house and the only light that was shining was from the lamp out in the den. I turned it off and headed upstairs to check on my daughter. She was sleeping so peacefully in her twin-sized bed. I kissed her on her cheek and headed to my bedroom, where my wife was.

I walked in the room and my wife was spread out in the middle of the bed, snoring lightly. I went inside the bathroom to take a quick shower. After I was done, I changed into a pair of boxers and headed to the bed with my wife. I gently lifted her a little, so that she could lay on my chest. Nae was a heavy sleeper, so she didn’t even wake up. After wrapping my arms around her, a nigga was dead to the world.

Chapter 13: Sincere

I woke up the next morning around 9:30 a.m. I headed downstairs to play my PlayStation while my daughter and wife slept. I was normally an early bird, even though I wouldn’t go to sleep until the wee hours of the morning. Nae was normally up early with me as well, but since she had waited up for a nigga all night last night, her ass was still knocked out. She needed the extra sleep, because lately I could tell that I’ve been stressing her out. I knew my wife and I knew that something was bothering her, other than me coming home late. I also knew that she would tell me whenever she was ready. Nae and I were best friends first before we were husband and wife, so she knew that she could come to me for anything. An hour later, I heard small footsteps coming down the hall and I knew it was my daughter.

“Hi Daddy,” she said, sitting next to me. She was wearing her pink robe from Justice and her hair was freshly braided. I could tell that Nae had did it last night. My daughter’s hair was so long that it stopped down to the middle of her back. She got that pretty, long ass hair from her mama.

“Good morning princess,” I said, kissing her cheek.

“Daddy, what’s wrong with mommy?” she asked me, her big almond-shaped eyes filled with curiosity.

“I don’t know baby. What happened?” I asked, pausing the game and placing her in my lap.

“I walked in the room and Mommy was crying,” she said. My daughter loved her mama, so I knew that it bothered her to see her mom crying. Hell, it bothered me to hear that my damn wife was crying.

“Okay baby,” I said, standing up with her in my lap and sitting her back down on the couch. I took the game off and put it on regular TV.

“What do you want to watch?” I asked her.

“Dora!” she yelled with a big smile on her face.

I smiled and put the TV on Dora for my baby.

“Stay down here and watch TV while daddy goes upstairs to talk to Mommy, okay?” I asked her.

“Okay Daddy,” she responded, never taking her eyes off the TV screen.

I jogged up the stairs and went into the bedroom to see what the fuck was wrong with my wife. When I walked into the bedroom, I heard the water running from the shower in our room. I opened the door and her back was facing me, and immediately my dick got hard at the sight of her body. Her tiny ass waist and that fat ass was looking real nice as the water dripped down her beautiful body. I walked inside and silently closed the door behind me and locked it. I got out of my clothes and joined my wife in the shower.

“Shit Sin, you scared the shit out of me,” she said, holding onto her chest.

“Fuck you was crying for?” I asked, pulling her into me and grabbing me a handful of her ass.

“I wasn’t crying,” she lied. From the way her eyes and nose were red and puffy, I knew damn well she had been crying.

“So we lying now?” I asked, giving her a serious look.

She didn’t speak, she just stared at the floor and tears began to fall down her beautiful face. It did something to a nigga to watch my wife break down like that. My wife hardly ever cried, so I knew something had to be wrong. Shit, I watched my wife give birth to our daughter and her ass didn’t shed a damn tear, so I knew that something was up because Nae was so damn tough, but only to a certain extent. Now that I think about it, the only time that I saw Nae cry was when they sent my ass off to jail, and the very first time that she came and visited me while I was in jail.

“This hurts so bad Sin, because it’s not the same no more with us. You barely home and when you are here, I feel like you don’t even pay me no attention. Every time I talk to you, I feel like I’m annoying you or some shit. I feel like you put your job first, then our daughter and then that’s when you check on me,” she sobbed.

“Nae, you know that ain’t true. I would never put anything before my family, and you know that. I promise I’m going to work on being home more, it’s just a nigga doing what he got to do so we can eat,” I told her, wiping her tears away. “And as far as you feeling like you annoying me, baby that will never happen,” I said.

I knew exactly what the fuck my wife needed right now. Shit, I had been fuckin this girl since she was fourteen years old. I damn near raised her and took her virginity. I knew my wife and I knew that when she got in her feelings like this, that there was only one thing that she wanted from me. I backed her up against the shower wall and turned her around so that her back was facing me.

“Sin, what are you doing?” she asked me, turning around and looking at me over her shoulder.

Tags: Diamond Johnson A Miami Love Tale Erotic