Page 7 of I Choose You

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Chapter 8: Ka’lani

I was in my car on the way to the gym when I got a call from my husband. I just assumed he was calling to know about my whereabouts but I was shocked when he told me that his boy Otis wanted my girl Tisha’s number. Now don’t get me wrong, Otis is fine as hell. He kinda reminds me of the rapper Nelly. He’s built like him, he has the tattoos, and his waves in his hair stay on swim. I went ahead and gave him Tisha’s number because I know my girl doesn’t have a man and I could see her and O hooking up. They would be so cute together. Before I gave the number up though, I gave his ass a whole bunch of instructions. I told him if he wants her, he needs to respect her and be faithful to her. Once I finished, I went ahead and gave him my girl’s number. I knew Tisha was probably gonna curse my ass out for giving away her number without her permission but shit, I didn’t care. She better tie that nigga down before the next bitch does.

I arrived at the gym ten minutes later. Whenever I come to the gym, I mainly focus on my legs, keeping my stomach tight, and squats for my butt. Nothing too bizarre. After one hour of my workout I was in the parking lot heading to my car when I got a call from my girl Tisha. I started laughing because I knew she was about to lay my ass out real good.

“Yes sister?” I asked when I answered the phone.

“Don’t sister me Lani! You gave that nigga my number?” she said, sounding mad as hell.

“Yes I gave it to him. Tisha what’s the problem? That nigga is sprung over your ass. He really likes you. I mean girl, come on, that nigga is fine as hell. What’s wrong with you?” I said, starting my car up.

“The nigga been tryna get at me but I never gave him a chance because his ass is a ho. He be having all them li’l hos all over him and I’ll be damned if I have to play second place to another bitch,” she let me know as she continued complaining.

“Tisha just give that man a chance. He really likes you plus I could hear it all in his voice when I talked to him earlier,” I said, now driving my car. “Look I’m leaving the gym now. I’ll be at your front door in like ten minutes. Love you,” I said hanging up, not even giving her a chance to respond.

Ten minutes later I was pulling up to my girl’s condo out in Miramar. Tisha stayed in a nice 3-bedroom, 2-bath by herself. I dug into my Louis Vuitton handbag so I could get my spare key to open the door. I went up the stairs to see Tisha laying in the bed watching an old episode of Marrying the Game. I came in the room laughing at her mean ass.

“That shit ain’t funny Lani, with your goofy ass,” she said, throwing a pillow at me. I picked the pillow up off the floor and sat at the foot of the bed.

“Tisha come on girl, admit it, that nigga is fine as hell. Just say it,” I taunted as I stared at her.

“Yes Lani the nigga is fine but it’s more than just looks. I need love, comfort, faithfulness, and I want to make sure that I can trust him with my heart,” she said, sounding dead serious.

“It’s only way to find out girl. You gotta give that man a chance,” I said, this time serious as hell too.

She looked as if she were in deep thought about what I just told her. I really wish that Tisha would give this man a chance. I feel like O could handle her slick ass mouth and most importantly protect her heart. My girl gotta learn to let people in and stop thinking all men ain’t shit. Her ex Mike really fucked her head up in the long run, I thought as I looked at how scared my girl was to give this nigga a chance.

Chapter 9: Tisha

I can’t lie, I was a little happy that Ka’lani gave Otis’ sexy ass my number even though I tried to act like I was mad. Otis has been trying me to get with me now for the past year or so but I never gave his ass the time of day. Not because I didn’t find him attractive or anything; it’s just I don’t think I will be able to trust his ass. Whenever me and Lani go to his and Tyrone’s club Luxury he always has a flock of bitches around him. I’m the jealous type so it wouldn’t sit to kindly with me having us being together and thirty bitches always surrounding him.

A year ago I ended a three-year relationship with a guy name Mike. When Mike and I first got together he was a small time drug dealer. He had money but he wasn’t swimming in it. I loved that man with everything that beats in me, up until he started making a lot more money and treating me like shit. He started coming home all times of the night, different bitches were calling his phone, and he even started putting his hands on me.

The day I threw the towel in was when I got a phone call from a girl named Stephanie asking for my man’s whereabouts. The bitch went on to tell me that she was pregnant and that I should start getting ready to be a step mommy. That night Mike came home I asked him if he knew a girl name Stephanie and he looked me right in my eyes and lied to me. I packed my shit and left. He never reached out to me or anything. So since that day, it’s been fuck niggas. A couple weeks ago, I was in Sawgrass Mall leaving out of Neiman Marcus when I spotted Mike with a pretty red girl holding a baby who looked to be a year old. The baby had Mike’s almond eyes and that one deep dimple in his left cheek as well. There was no denying that that baby was indeed his.

“Hey Tisha, how you been?” this nigga had the nerve to ask me as he stood holding hands with his bitch.

I gave him a dry hi as I stood there looking at him and his new family. I just so happened to glance down at this broad’s neck when I saw her nameplate necklace saying Stephanie. Right there at that moment I came to the conclusion that I hated his ass and I wouldn’t care if his ass was to die today. I prepared to leave but before I left I wanted to be petty.

“Take care Mike and it was nice seeing you Stephanie,” I said, leaving their asses there looking stupid.

Now here it was a year after my breakup with this fool and I haven’t even been on a date yet. After Lani finally left, I stayed in the bed until 4:30 p.m. watching old re-runs on BET. Finally, I got up to go downstairs to fix my Sunday dinner. As I was taking the pots out of the cabinet, my phone began to buzz. I looked down at the number and it was unfamiliar.

“Hello,” I answered, already having a feel as to who it was.

“What’s good?” I heard in that deep Southern accent.

“Who is this?” I asked, trying to play it cool, knowing damn well I knew who that was on the phone.

“Tisha stop playing with me. You know damn well who this is! What you doing? And what’s all that banging and shit in the background?” Otis asked me.

I started smiling and said, “I’m getting ready to prepare my Sunday dinner. What’s up?”

“Nah go ahead and put that shit up. I’m going to take you out to dinner tonight. Be ready by 7,” he said like he already knew my answer was going to be yes.

“How do you know I want to go out with you? How do you know if my man would approve of this?” I asked, challenging him.

“Baby girl just be ready by 7 and to answer your second question, I’m your man so I approve of it! By the way, text me your address so I can come get you later,” he said then hung up without waiting for my response.

Tags: Diamond Johnson I Choose You Erotic