Page 41 of I Choose You

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“Hush bitch, let’s see who’s going to be the cry baby when your ass be in labor,” I teased. I knew for a fact that Ka’lani was going to be worse than me when it came to giving birth due to the simple fact that her ass was a wimp. I mean I know I’m a crybaby but Ka’lani’s ass is worse than me. We walked to the car and I dropped Lani off home then headed home to go spend time with my two babies. I walked in the house and Otis and Harmony were in the den playing around on the floor.

“Hey mama,” I said, picking Harmony up off the floor.

“You missed me baby? I missed you,” I said, kissing her cheeks and she cracked up laughing.

“Hey other baby,” I said to Otis, kissing him on the lips.

“Hey baby,” Otis said hugging me tight, getting up from off of the floor.

“Where you went this morning?” he asked me

I gave him back Harmony and turned around and pulled my shirt up to show him the tattoo.

He started smiling and smacked my ass. “Damn Tisha, that’s sexy as fuck,” he said. I blushed because I knew damn well it was sexy.

“Who you went to?” he asked, referring to the tattoo.

“Your homeboy Joe,” I told him, sitting on the couch with my baby in my lap.

“How you get that nigga number?” he asked me.

“I took it from your phone,” I told him, smiling.

“I’m going to break your fuckin’ fingers off if you keep touching my shit,” he let me know.

“Otis stop cursing around my baby and you go through my phone all of the time, so hush,” I said, standing up from the couch, handing him the baby.

“Fuck you about to go?” he said, disregarding everything that I had just told him about cursing in front of my baby.

“To the shop. I have one appointment today and then I’ll be back later,” I told him and he just shrugged his shoulders. I could tell that he had a little attitude too. I didn’t want to leave on bad terms, so I went and sat on his lap, while Harmony sat on his left thigh.

“You act like I went through your messages or something. I was just looking for a number, but I promise I’ll ask you the next time,” I told him, kissing his lips.

Harmony reached over and pulled me away from her daddy, with her little cock-blocking ass.

“I can’t kiss your daddy little girl?” I asked her, laughing and she laughed too, like she knew what I was talking about.

I stood up from Otis’ lap. “Okay baby, I’ll be back in a few hours. I love you,” I told him.

“I love you more,” he let me know and I was out the door.

I got to the salon a little after 3. I ended up having to do three heads today because I had two walk-ins. Shit, I thought I was just going to do this one head and that’d be it. I knew this shit was too good to be true. I knew there was no way in hell that I was getting out of this salon in less than two hours. I sent Otis a message, letting him know that I was going to be a little late.

“Tisha, let me see the tattoo,” Tamika said, coming over to my station as I was doing a sew-in. I stopped what I was doing and pulled up my shirt to show her my new tattoo.

“Okay, that’s cute. I see you,” Tamika said and then Kyla came over so that she could get a look as well, which led to damn near the whole salon walking over, trying to see my new tattoo. Everybody was in love with it.

It wasn’t until damn near six hours later that I ended up leaving the salon. Otis ended up dropping the baby over to Lani’s house because he had to go to the club. I ended up having to do another five heads so that led me to be behind schedule. Tamika and Kyla had already left so I was left to lock up the salon tonight, which I absolutely hated doing. After locking the salon door, I headed down the street to walk to my car. As soon as I pulled the driver’s door opened, my head was slammed into the window.

“Fuckkkk,” I screamed out in pain.

When I tried to turn around, the person threw my body back into the car and placed their hands over my mouth so that I wouldn’t scream out again. I bit the shit out of the unknown person’s hand and he reached over and slapped the shit out of me. I felt the person reach behind them for something. A minute later, I saw a moist rag being placed in front of me and just that quick, it was placed over my face. I fought and fought to keep my eyes from closing but I had already lost this battle.

God please don’t let this be the end for me. I have a daughter that I need to raise! I promised her that I would always be there for her! I promised that I wouldn’t let her grow up without her mother in her life. God please, I prayed, only to have my prayers unanswered because after that, everything faded to black. Fuck!

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