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“I don’t even know, honestly,” she said with a yawn.

Shaking my head, I said, “And when the last time you ate something? You had some of that food down there?” I asked her. If she said no, I swear I would fix her ass a plate right now and make sure she ate it all.

“Yeah, your grandma damn near forced my ass to eat, talking about I looked sick. She made me eat two plates and gave me two bottles of Ensure to drink,” Toya said.

I could see my grandma in action now. I wasn’t worried about the fact that Toya was losing too much weight because as soon as I started back hitting her up every day with some dick and feeding her, I would have that body back to how I had it before.

“Alright, go to sleep. I got a surprise for you in the morning. I wasn’t going to show it to you until it was finished, but I feel guilty that I wasn’t there with you when you went for the abortion, so I want to do something that will put a smile on your face,” I told her.

“Oooh, what type of surprise is it?” she asked with wide eyes.

I laughed because her ass looked like a kid on Christmas morning, eager to find out what type of gift they had waiting for them underneath that wrapping paper.

“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you. Get some sleep though, Toya, for real, and I’ll be back up here soon. I love you,” I told her.

“I love you more,” she said and got comfortable in the bed.

I turned the light off in the room and closed the door behind me. Now that my girl was straight, that gave me all the motivation I needed to beat these niggas and take their money. At their expense, I was going to buy lil’ mama two more Chanel purses.

I came downstairs, only to find these two fools in my kitchen, and they had already made themselves at home and fixed them a plate before I could even fix mine.

“This shit good as hell. Sis made this?” Quan asked, digging into the food, not even looking up from his plate to talk.

“Damn nigga, you act like Charlie don’t feed your ass at home, and yeah, but my grandma helped her with it,” I said, going over to the fridge to pull the trays of food out and fix myself a plate.

When I opened the fridge, there was a plate already wrapped in foil for me attached to a sticky note with my name on it. Toya’s ass was the true player for real, and she knew exactly what to do to satisfy her nigga, which is why I couldn’t stay mad at her ass for long.

“How Toya doing though?” Quay asked me once he had finished eating his food.

I took the foil off the plate and put it in the microwave for two minutes then turned around to face my boys.

“She all right now. This shit eating at me though because she had to go through that damn abortion alone, when my ass should have been there. I swear, pride is a motha fucka because I couldn’t even put my pride to the side and be there for her when she needed me the most. I guess I was so mad because when my grandma told me that she thought Toya was pregnant, a nigga was really happy as fuck. That shit was only short lived because when she eventually told me about it, she confessed to me that the baby was James’ with his bitch ass,” I vented.

“What ever happened to that pussy? You normally would have handled a situation like that already,” Quan said and I shook my head in agreeance.

The old Dre would have immediately handled any situation back then if I felt it was a threat, but now I felt like I was living for other people, plus I had gotten wiser and older. James was going to get his, and I was going to roll up on his ass when he least expected it. I knew Toya still had his ass on Facebook, so it was nothing for me to grab her phone and stalk his page. Let’s be real here, it’s fuckin 2016 and everybody who gets on Facebook is always updating some shit, checking in, letting the whole world know what they are doing.

“It’s gone get handled, best believe that.”

I shrugged and played it off like it was cool because that whole situation wasn’t something that I was going to lose sleep over. I wanted to make sure my girl was straight first, and then I was going to handle any outside problems.

The Next Day

“Are we almost there yet, Dre? I want to know what the surprise is already,” Toya pouted, as she sat in the passenger seat of my Ferrari with a blindfold over her eyes.

My ass almost gave in and told her about two times, but I really wanted to hold it in until we got there. Her ass was making the task so damn hard. This was going to be the surprise of a lifetime, and I didn’t need shit getting in the way.

“We’re almost there, T, relax,” I told her as I rubbed her thigh.

She finally relaxed and I turned the radio on and just cruised down ’95 with my baby. We would be there in another ten minutes or so.

Finally, we pulled up to our destination and I put the car in park. “Don’t get out. Let me open the door for you,” I told her and then I stepped out of the car and went around and opened the door for her. I grabbed her hand and walked with her down on the sidewalk.

“Alright, you can take the blindfold off now,” I said and she quickly removed the black blindfold from her eyes.

She scanned the area and noticed a bunch of contractors performing construction work on a building.

“Okay, baby, where is the surprise?” Toya asked me with confused eyes.

Tags: Diamond Johnson Romance