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On top of that, her ass had been throwing up since we had gotten down here, and mind you, I was the one pregnant. Monae and I swore up and down that her ass was pregnant and I was going to ask for sure as soon as we got back to the hotel. We were coming back from lunch, which was cut short due to Toya not feeling well.

As soon as we made it back

to our suite, Toya went in her room and closed the door. “You going to ask her or you want me to?” Monae asked me as we stood in the kitchen area.

“I’ll ask her. I already know she going to snap on my ass though because I don’t know what the hell she did, but I could hear Dre yelling at her through the phone this morning, and she been acting like a bitch ever since,” I said.

Monae laughed.

“Girl, when is that nigga not yelling at her? Okay, you ask and I’ll go in with you. Just in case she snap on your ass, I’ll help defend you,” Monae said.

I nodded, and we headed into Toya’s room. She had the door unlocked, so the two of us made our way inside. When we stepped in, she was lying under the bed with the covers over her body.

‘Toya, what’s going on with you?’ I asked, taking the covers off of her.

“Charlie, why the fuck would you do that? Come on, I don’t feel good.” She snatched the covers and put them back on.

“You don’t feel good or your ass is pregnant?” I quizzed.


“Toya, are you pregnant?” I asked her.


“Your ass is pregnant! Why didn’t you say anything? Does Dre know?”

“I don’t know if it’s his baby,” she said, barely above a whisper.

“What did you say?” I asked and sat down on the bed.

“I don’t think this baby is Dre’s. Before we left, I went to the doctor’s office and took a pregnancy test there because I kept throwing up. Come to find out, I’m four weeks pregnant. The day this mess happened with James was four weeks ago and Dre and I haven’t had sex since because I wasn’t really feeling it. Plus, I was just coming off of my cycle the day before this happened with James. I know this baby isn’t Dre’s, and it’s going to kill him,” Toya cried.

I looked at Monae because I didn’t know what the hell to say, but shit was about to get real in Miami!

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