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From the way he said it, I could already tell that he knew it was me and he wasn’t in a good mood.

“Good morning, Mr. Miller, Liz told me that you wanted to speak with me,” I said as soon as I stepped inside.

“Yes, I did. Ms. Diaz, close the door behind you and come take a seat,” he said.

I closed the door and went to take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He stood up, sporting an annoyed look on his face.

“Okay, feel free to jump in whenever I say anything that’s wrong because I just can’t believe the story that I recently heard. So, it was brought to my attention that a month ago you got into an altercation with my son, is that correct?” he asked me.

Wow, so I really was invited into his office for this shit


“Yes, but—”

“Just answer the question, Ms. Diaz! That’s all I would like to hear!” he said, completely shutting me up and not giving me a chance to explain myself.

“Yes, I was,” I told him.

“Okay, and after this altercation, somehow the guy that you were dating made it his business to come into my establishment and proceed to physically harm one of my workers, and not just any worker, but my son! Is that correct?” Mr. Miller asked me.

“Yes, but it was only after—”

“Just answer the question, Ms. Diaz! What I just said, is that correct?” he asked me with plenty of bass in his voice.

“Correct,” I said, barely above a whisper.

“What hurts me the most is I was hoping that you were going to come in here and let me know that this was all some sort of sick joke, and that they had you mixed up with another Latoya Diaz. It’s really killing me to do this because you are one of the best buyer’s agents in this field, and you made me a lot of money over the years. I’m sorry, Ms. Diaz, but we simply can’t have that type of behavior. Be appreciative that I’m not locking your little boyfriend up because Lord knows that’s what I want to do!” he said.

“Wait! So you’re firing me? Your son came into my office that night and he choked me! I never even called my boyfriend and told him what James had done because I knew how he would react. I swear to you, I didn’t!” I said, and I could hear my voice crack.

“Which is why I had to let Mr. White go as well because he confessed to me that he was the one who called him over, and he even gave him a key to get into James’ office,” Mr. Miller said.

“Okay, so why should I have to suffer the consequences then, if you already know that I didn’t call him over here?” I asked.

“Because of you, my son has two fractured ribs and two black eyes, and it could have been worse. That is why you’re the one suffering the consequences! You’re a great worker, Ms. Diaz, I’m pretty sure you would be able to find another job in no time.” He said it like it was a fuckin’ joke and I immediately lost my mind.

“I bust my ass here at this office every fuckin’ day. Sometimes, I don’t leave here until midnight, and this is the thanks I get? You just said yourself that I’m one of the hardest workers in this field, and this is the thanks that I get? I’ve played a huge role in the number of houses that were sold in the last year, and you would think that would mean something around here, but clearly it doesn’t! Your son choked me for no fuckin’ reason at all, and what consequences did he receive?” I asked as I stood from my chair.

At this point, my face was drenched in tears from hurt and humiliation.

“That’s really none of your concern, Ms. Diaz. Like I said, I didn’t want to have to do this, but this is what has to be done,” he said.

So much for sympathy because this bastard didn’t even look like he cared. I would have respected him a whole lot more had he acted like he at least gave a damn.

“Say no more. Thank you for the opportunity.”

With that, I left his office. When I walked out, other workers quickly ran away from the door because they had been eavesdropping the whole time. It killed me because these motha fuckas had wanted my ass gone since day one. It killed them to see a young, mixed girl step into this building with a shit load of degrees and knows her stuff. They would be able to sleep better at night because their competition was finally gone.

I walked back down to my office and closed the door behind me. The box that I used the very first day I started working there was still in the corner of my closet and I used that box to pack up my shit.

Twenty minutes later, I had everything packed up, and I was ready to go. It killed me because this had become my home for the past few years, and I hated to walk away. As I walked out of the building, I could hear Liz calling after me, but I kept right on moving because I had been embarrassed enough.

When I made it out to the garage, I was the only one out there because everybody was inside working. I walked over to my jeep, put my things inside, and when I turned around, I was face to face with James. I looked down, and he was holding a knife, pointing directly at me. Fuck! My damn stun gun was inside my purse and I had already put it in the car. I swear, I never even thought that his ass would be a problem, so I never felt like I had to look over my shoulder for him.

“James, what are you doing? You know that there are cameras out here?” I said, voice shaking, even though I knew those bullshit ass cameras in the parking garage didn’t work. Plus, the security was always in there on his phone and shit, never really doing his damn job.

“Toya, you know as well as I do that those fuckin cameras don’t work. Now, if you want to make it out of here alive, I suggest you get in the car with me. You’re finally going to give me that lunch date that I’ve been asking you for,” he said.

Tags: Diamond Johnson Romance