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“I may be a fuckin realtor, but I’m also a man who is willing to do whatever I have to do in order for me to get what I want, even if that means sending his ass away so I can be with you,” James said with a devious smile on his face. It wasn’t until now that I looked into his eyes and saw just how crazy he was.

“Do you really think that I would be with you, James? You’re fuckin’ crazy if you believe that will ever happen. I never wanted you from the beginning. I was nice to you off the strength of you being my co-worker, and I thought that you were a nice person, but clearly I was wrong. I never gave you any reason to believe that I would want to possibly someday take things further with you. Even when I agreed to have lunch with you, I let it be known that it would just be two co-workers going to lunch. I’m not understanding your confusion,” I said to him.

“Monday afternoon, I want to have lunch with you, not as two fuckin’ co-workers, but as couple. Fuck with me and I will have your ass fired, remember my father is your boss.” He picked up his folder and walked out of my office.

I quickly got up and ran over to the door and locked it. I sat back down on the floor and cried. I cried because I was scared for Dre and I also cried because of what James said about Dre having a female for every day of the week. I couldn’t believe that James was really this monster beneath that fake smile that he paraded around here with. I always knew that he was jealous of my relationship with Dre because I will never forget the look he gave Dre that day in the parking garage. I was not going to tell Diandre about this little incident because with the charges that James had just finished reading off to me, I didn’t want murder to be the next one. There is no doubt in my mind that Dre would kill James for putting his hands on me.

I was going to wait in my office for a little while longer and then I would leave. I wanted to go to the police and tell on James, but that would only piss him off and he would really go forward with making sure that Diandre goes to jail. Plus, like he said, his father was my boss, and blood was thicker than water. James could tell his father anything and he would be sure to fire my ass in a heartbeat.

Chapter 11: Dre

Since Toya and I were taking a fuckin’ break, I had been in the studio with Quan working on this music shit. Quan had come to me with the idea of getting in the studio ever since I had touched down from jail, but I wasn’t taking that shit serious. But damn, when I got in the studio with him a few weeks ago and freestyled on his song, “You Gotta Go,” niggas in the streets wanted to know who the hell the nigga was that Quan had on the track with him. Even his damn manager, Sincere, was trying to sign a nigga. I really think for the first time in life, I was takin’ shit serious.

I knew my grandma would be proud of my ass because I wouldn’t be in the streets anymore. I would be one solid ass nigga when it came to this rapping shit because unlike most rappers, the shit that I was going to rap about was shit that I had actually been through, and not some shit that I just got into the booth and made up because it sounded good.

The shit that Quan and I say on these tracks is shit that we lived through. We know what struggle, and it was time that the world knew this shit. I didn’t sign the contract yet with Sincere, because even though I was mad as hell with Toya, I still wanted her to be with me when I decided to sign on that dotted line. I loved her way too much to just leave her out of the loop like that.

It was almost eleven o’clock, and I was still in the studio listening to beats when my cellphone started ringing. I was thinking that it was going to be Toya, but when I looked at the screen, it was from a number that wasn’t even stored in my phone.

“Who this?” I answered the phone.

“Hello, is this Mr. Davis?” the caller asked.

“Skip the theatrics. This is Dre, who is this?” I asked, not in the mood to play games.

“Hey, Diandre. I hope you’re not mad about me calling you so late, but this is Mr. White, the janitor where Ms. Diaz works. You gave me your number and—”

“Man, please skip all of that shit. What’s going on? Is my girl good over there?” I stood up and used my finger to tell the engineer to silence the music he was playing with my finger.

“She got into it with Mr. Miller, and—”

“Who the hell is Mr. Miller, and what do you mean, got into it?” I asked.

I motioned with my hand to Quay that I was about to leave. He was sitting in the corner of the room and Quan had already left. He knew it was an emergency and just nodded his head. I jogged outside to my car, got inside and floored it to my girl’s office.

“James Miller, he works will Toya. I don’t know what they were arguing about because my headphones were on. But when I took them off, he was walking out of her office with a frown on his face. I then saw Ms. Diaz run to the door, crying and then she closed her door. It’s not my place to ask her what happened, so I called you so that you could see what’s going on in here,” he said.

“Alright, thanks man for calling. I’m on my way now. Make sure Toya doesn’t leave out of her office. I’ll be there within twenty minutes,” I said and hung up the phone.

As I drove to Toya’s building like a bat out of hell, I couldn’t help but to wonder what the fuck could this corny ass boy have done to my lady that was so bad it caused her to cry. I was the only nigga in this bitch that was going to bring tears to her eyes! I swear to God, if that nigga was anywhere in sight tonight, I was going to give Toya the code to my safe so that she could have bond money on deck because my ass was going to jail tonight. This was the third time his ass had disrespected me, and I wasn’t going to allow the shit to keep happening. I appreciated Mr. White for calling me because had he not, I know for a fact that I never would have found out what went down tonight. Toya wouldn’t have told me shit.

I finally made it in the parking garage and since the office was closed, I was able to get a parking spot on her floor. Usually when I came to see her for lunch or just dropped by, I would always have to park on the lobby floor because all the parking spots on her floor were reserved. I parked next to Toya’s car and got out then locked my doors and walked over to the building. Mr. White was in the front, cleaning off the receptionist desk. I knocked, and he came around and opened the door for me.

“Is she still in there?” I asked him as soon as I stepped in.

“Yes, she’s back there,” he said.

I nodded and made my way to her office. I turned the knob, but she had it locked. I didn’t want her to know that it was me, so I went back out front to find Mr. White.

“Mr. White, you have all the keys to the offices, right? For when you clean them?” I asked him.

“Yes, but I wouldn’t be able to give that to you,” he said.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out five one hundred dollar bills and handed them to him. “Come on, man, I know you ain’t going to turn this money down. She not going to answer the door for me, so let me just hold the key,” I bribed.

He nodded and handed me the key at the same time that I gave him the money. I went back over to her door, inserted the key, and let myself in. She looked up from her computer screen and jumped.

“Fuck you jumping for? Come here right quick, let me take a look at you,” I said, closing the door and locking it. I placed the key in my pants and stayed by the door with my hands folded across my chest.

Tags: Diamond Johnson Romance