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As soon as she said that, Paris walked out of the store. Monae didn’t know of Paris but Paris damn sure knew of Monae, she even knew how she looked. I silently cursed because I knew that wasn’t nothing pretty about to come from this situation. Paris walked to the car with a smirk on her face, and I could see the wheels in Monae’s head turning already.

“Oh, so this is the reason why a bitch can’t even get a text back? Right Quay? You round here riding around with this bitch that you forgot about the fuckin’ unresolved problems that me and you have!” Monae said in a voice that was so calm, that it was almost scary.

I heard Paris chuckle and so did Monae because she was now charging in her direction.

“Bitch what the fuck is so funny? Do I look like Kevin Hart or something because I don’t see shit funny about a bitch that’s about to get her ass beat over a nigga that’s not even yours!” Monae was now in Paris’ face.

“News check, bitch, he ain’t your nigga either! You dumb ass little girl! Ask Quay who the fuck he’s been coming home to these past few weeks,” she said.

Before I could restrain Monae, she had already pushed Paris to the ground, causing the continents in the bag to spill on the floor. Monae only got a few licks in before I picked her up because I didn’t want her out here fighting in the streets like a fuckin’ hood rat.

“Put me down, Quay! This how you do me? You were so quick to break up with me so you could go and run around with another bitch. Well, you can have her because I don’t want your ass anymore. Move!” she said, trying to get out of my grasp, but I wouldn’t let her go.

I knew Monae, and I knew that as soon as I let her down, she was going to charge for Paris again. It just so happened that Monae looked down and spotted one of the pregnancy tests lying on the floor next to my foot.

“She’s pregnant?” she asked me.

I could hear the hurt and the anger in her voice. God, it killed me to see my baby like that. I didn’t even have the courage to answer her because honestly I didn’t know myself.

“Let me go, Quay! I’m going to go back to my car,” Monae cried.

I held her in my arms for a few more seconds and then I put her down on her feet. She looked at me with hurt eyes and then made her way back to her car. I followed her with my eyes and I watched as she got in her car, wiped her eyes and pulled off.

Paris was already in the car, and no words needed to be said between the two of us. I got in and drove her back to her house. I wasn’t even in the mood to find out if she was pregnant or not, but I did hand her five hundred dollars when she got out of the car, basically telling her to handle that shit if she was indeed pregnant.

Chapter 10: Dre

“Yes, Ms. Diaz is wrapping up a meeting right now, and I was told not to bother her. She should be finishing up things shortly, so as soon as I get the memo, I will let her know that you are here,” the receptionist let me know as I stood in Toya’s building, waiting to take her to lunch.

Three weeks had passed since our little fiasco in her office, and her ass has been ducking and dodging a nigga. I swear I was all out of my element fuckin’ around with this girl. She had my thugged out ass standing in the lobby of her job, holding a bouquet of yellow flowers in my hand, and about to ask her, well demand her ass to go to lunch with me. I was wearing a pair of white jeans from Robin, with a navy blue, long sleeve, collared polo on. On my feet were a pair of wheat Timbs, and of course, I had my slugs in my mouth because I knew low key that her ass liked that shit.

Five minutes later, I watched as she and about ten other people walked out of a room together and they were all headed in my direction, except for Toya because she walked in the direction of her office. I could tell that the others were probably about to head for the elevators. I gave the receptionist an ‘okay, you can call her now,’ look, and she nodded her head.

Once she ended the call, she told me that it was okay for me to head on back to Toya’s office. I knocked on the door and she called for me to come in. I admired the outfit that she was wearing today. She was dressed in a pair of high waist slacks that were damn near glued to her thighs, and a black silk shirt that fit tightly around her midsection, showcasing her tiny ass waist. On her feet were a pair of pumps that had her ass poking out in them pants.

I couldn’t control myself anymore, so I set the flowers on her desk and walked up on her and wound my hands around her waist. Inhaling deeply, I pulled her close to me, loving the smell of her sweet perfume.

“Why a nigga got to do all of this to talk to your ass? You got me out here looking like a little bitch, popping up at your job and shit with flowers,” I said.

She chuckled, and I could tell that I was slowly wearing her down.

“I like to see you sweat, Diandre. You strike me as the type of man who gets whatever he wants, and has pussy thrown his way, nonstop,” she said.

I gave her a serious look. “You’re right, but I want your pussy. I want you,” I said, and watched as her cheeks turned bright red.

She backed away from me, but I came at her again. She had no choice but to back up into the wall, so I stood over her and placed both of my large hands on either side of her body.

“Listen, Toya, all niggas ain’t the same, so let me, at least, prove that shit to you. I could be somewhere right now chasing these blue hundreds, but I’m chasing your ass! That got to count for something. So, come on, let a nigga take you out to lunch, and I’ll bring you back when you got to be back,” I said.

I could read her face and she was thinking very hard about the situation.

“Okay, but I’m driving my car. I’ll just follow you,” she said.

I shook my head. “Hell no! You’re on break, so that’s what you need, a break! A break from driving, working, all of that! I’ll even feed your ass, so that way, you won’t have to lift a finger. Come on, get your shit and let your people know that daddy is about to go feed you,” I said and backed away from her.

She went into her closet, which was in the far left corner of her office and retrieved her red Hermes purse. I swear, every time I saw her, she had a different purse. I loved her style though that shit was very sexy. We exited her office and I followed her to the front, where she stopped at the desk to talk to the receptionist.

“Hey, Liz, I’m going out for a bit, so please forward all of my calls. I will be back within an hour or two. Also, before I forget, get in contact with the family today and see if we’re still on for me to show the house today at four. If not, I can leave out of here at a decent time today. I’ll see you when I get back,” she said.

Tags: Diamond Johnson Romance