Page 15 of 305 Lovin' 2

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“You’re lying,” Monae said in shock.

“No, I swear. I sold him his condo a few months back and I needed him to come over to my office the other night to sign some paperwork. The electricity ended up going out in the whole building, leaving us two locked in my office until it came back on. Y’all want to know what we did for that whole hour?” she asked, but never gave us a chance to answer because she answered the question herself. “All we did was talk, well mostly I did all of the talking and he listened. Like, he was intrigued by what I was saying to him. I even went into depth with him about my past and the death of my mom, and by the end of our talk, I was crying and he had me in his lap.”

I smiled because that was very touching. Now, that I think about it, if Dre and Toya were to ever get together, I swear they would be the shit.

“Well, at least somebody isn’t going through men problems. So, do you like him, Toya? Because we know how your ass is,” Monae said.

I shook my head in agreement as if they could see me through the phone.

“Girl, I don’t know what it is, but it’s something. The first night I even saw him was the night they had that party for him at the club, and then I ran into him the next day when I sold him the house. It’s like every time I’m around him, I get these butterflies in my stomach. But, I can’t help but to be mean around his ass because I’m scared that if I let my guard down, I will be on the phone with you bitches, sounding like some hurt hoes because I got my heart broke.”

She laughed and Monae and I laughed too.

“Fuck you, Toya,” I said, laughing because Monae and I were going through our little “hurt hoe” stage. I knew I was hurt when I had Pandora on the slow jams radio station. “That nigga is going to turn you out, though. You know what these little hoes be calling him, right?” I asked Toya.

“No. What do they call him?” she asked me and I laughed.

“Monae, tell her what they call Dre.”

I didn’t want to be the one to say it, and I knew Monae would have no problem blurting it out.

“Big dick Dre,” she said and I burst out laughing.

“Oh hell, I already know that,” Toya said.

I sat up in the tub to do one last wash of my entire body.

“Toya! You didn’t!” Monae said in a shocked voice.

“No, we didn’t do anything, but I felt it before. That day I went to show him the house, he had me by my waist and the shit was literally touching my back. I couldn’t even say anything after I moved away from him because I was in a state of shock. A bitch had to act professionally because I was still on the clock, but I swear this dude is something else,” Toya said.

I smiled because I could hear it in her voice that she was slowly falling for Dre, even if she didn’t want to say it.

“Mommy, the food is ready. Someone is knocking on the door,” I heard my daughter say from behind the door.

“Okay, I’m coming now. Don’t answer it. Ladies, I’m going to talk to y’all tomorrow and we can probably link up for drinks or something.” I said to them as I got out of the tub.

“Okay, I’m down,” they both said.

After saying our “I love you’s,” I hung up the phone. I quickly dried off my body and threw on a tank top, without my bra, some panties, and my long pajama bottoms from Pink. I then went to the door to get our food. After getting the food from the man standing at the door, I tipped him and rolled the tray into the room.

In the kitchen area of the of the suite, I placed our food on the table. I placed China’s chicken tenders and fries on her side and my shrimp pasta on my side.

“China, come on so you can eat,” I called out to her.

She came to the table and sat down. After I finished praying over our food, we began to eat. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until now because this was the first time that I had eaten all day.

“Dang, Mommy,” my daughter said, laughing at how fast I was eating my food.

“Hush. Let me get one of your chicken tenders because I know you’re not going to eat it all,” I said and she laughed as she passed me one.

“Mommy, when are we going back to Daddy’s house because I miss him?” my daughter asked.

I immediately felt guilty for keeping her away from her father. China was under the impression that her daddy was out of town, but I guess since she hasn’t been in contact with him like she normally is, it started to make her wonder.

“I promise we will go and see Daddy tomorrow,” I told her, hoping that she would leave the conversation alone.

It wasn’t like I was lying or anything because the plan was to check out tomorrow, and then I was going to drop China off over Jaquan’s mother’s house and text him to let him know that he could pick up China. Then I was going to take my ass home.

Tags: Diamond Johnson Romance