Page 11 of 305 Lovin' 2

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“And you say your mom isn’t here anymore. What happened to her?” I asked.

I really wanted to know. I wasn’t on no nosey shit, but the way this woman had me feeling, I wanted to know everything and I didn’t want her to leave anything out.

“She died last year in a car accident on her way to support me at my job’s annual picnic at TY Park. I never told anyone this, but I guess I may as well tell you because I have gotten so far into the story, but I honestly blame myself for her death. I damn near begged her to come to the picnic with me because I wanted her to get out of the house. My mom was always working, and I just wanted her to take a break from all of that, so I ... I ... I begged her. I begged her, and because of me, she’s gone, and it’s all of my fuckin’ fault!” she cried.

I stood up from my seat and walked over to her chair, with my phone in my hand and placed it on her desk. I effortlessly picked her up and set down with her on my lap as she cried her eyes out. I let her get it out of her system for a good five minutes and then I intervened.

“First off, don’t ever say no shit like that again, Toya, and I’m serious. Don’t go around blaming yourself for your mother’s death because even though I didn’t personally know her, I know for a fact that she wouldn’t blame you for that. You weren’t the driver that killed your mother, so don’t blame yourself for that, man,” I said as she continued to softly cry with her head on my chest.

I just knew that she was going to get up once she calmed down, but surprisingly, she stayed. This was the shit her ass needed at the end of the day, though. She needed a nigga who was going to hold her when she cried and tell her that everything was going to be alright. Toya was strong, but she wasn’t like strong, I could tell by the way she had the front of my shirt soaking wet from her tears.

After she was completely done crying and all that was left were light sniffles coming from her, I spoke up. “You can’t possibly think that I’m going to be able to leave you alone after this. I want to know all of your secrets, and you say that you feel like you don’t have anyone, but I want to prove to you that you have me in your corner. A’ight? So, I don’t want to hear you say that shit again because I’m here,” I said.

She nodded her head and that was good enough for me. A second later, the lights in her office flickered back on.

“Hey Toya, they had to—” some square ass nigga came into her office saying. He stopped once he saw me with Toya sitting on my lap.

I could tell this pissed him off to the fullest, and if he had a gun on him, he would probably kill my ass. I could see it in his eyes that he wanted Toya, which only proved to me that he was going to be a problem once I made this shit official with her.

“Oh, umm, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had company. I was just saying that I was called in because I was the only one with the code to get the power to come back on in the building. I just wanted you to know that the elevator is back on and that you can leave now if you’re ready to go,” he said.

Toya jumped out of my lap. “Okay, thank you, James. I’m getting ready to go right now,” she said.

I stood up from the chair, pulling up my pants, and watched as he turned around.

I called out after him, “And homeboy, knock on the door next time. You’re her co-worker, not her nigga, so please don’t overstep your boundaries.”

Toya shot me an evil look, telling me to stop it.

Certain shit was just disrespectful to me, and certain people needed to know their place. For him to think that it was okay for him to just bust in her office, led me to believe that he thinks he has it like that and can do whatever he feels when it comes to Toya.

“Okay, I’ll remember that the next time. Hey, Toya, are we still on for lunch?” this clown ass nigga said.

I felt like he was trying me, but it’s okay because we’ll see who’s going to have the last laugh. Once I start fuckin’ her and she brings her ass to work with all type of hickeys and shit on her neck, and a huge ass gap between her thighs from the amount of dick that I was going to have her taking every night, his ass won’t be laughing then.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, James,” Toya said, dismissing him.

He nodded his head and left, but not before mugging me.

I laughed because his ass was a little puppy to a lion like myself. He didn’t want this pressure, so he better go sit his ass down somewhere, with those tight ass pants he was wearing.

“That’s the type of niggas you like? That’s why you can’t give a nigga no play?” I asked Toya.

“Diandre, please,” she said, going over to the side of her desk to slip her heels back on.

“Answer my question, and what that nigga mean by are y’all still on for lunch?” I asked, sounding all jealous and shit.

I wasn’t trying to sound that way, but damn. I know the type of problems that I had coming my way already for fuckin’ with a bad bitch like Toya, but I was already prepared for that. I didn’t mind niggas looking at my bitch, in fact, you can salivate over her if you want, but don’t fuckin’ touch her, and don’t talk to her, and you damn sure don’t think that I’m going to let her go out to eat with your ass.

“I told him that we could go to lunch together, but I told him it wasn’t going to be a date or anything, so I don’t even know why he felt the need to say that when we had already cleared that up the other day,” she said and I believed her.

“You still ain’t going to lunch with that fool. I’ll take you to lunch, it’s wherever you want to go. What time is your break tomorrow?” I asked her.

“It’s whenever I decide to take it, but most times I go at one,” she said.

I nodded my head. “Alright, I’m picking you up tomorrow to take you to lunch. Get your purse and shit so we can go, I know you’re tired.”

She went and got her purse and her briefcase from the corner of the room and turned off the lights in her office without giving me any back lip. I had her ass trained a little bit already. After, she locked up her office, I let her walk in front of me and lead the way. As we were walking to the elevator, we spotted the janitor again. He saw Toya and me together and smiled.

Tags: Diamond Johnson Romance