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12:27 P.M.

I was pulling up to Charlie’s house in my 2015 red Ferrari 458 Italia. I swear this car was my baby and I loved her just as much as I loved my damn mama. I only drove this car when I felt like showing off and today was one of those days when I just wanted to show the fuck off. Plus, we were going to use it for a scene in my video shoot. We didn’t rent whips over here. Everything in my video that you saw me driving was my shit. Stepping out of my car and leaving it running, I made my way inside of Charlie’s condo. Honestly, Charlie didn’t give me a key to her shit, I just took it upon myself to get one made. Hell, my daughter lived here so I didn’t see the problem with me having a key to her house.

I walked into the kitchen to find Charlie sitting at the counter eating a bowl of fruit. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and she was wearing a pink Nike sports bra with a black Nike check on it, along with a pair of black Nike tights. On her feet were a pair of pink and black Nike Roshe Runs. I knew this wasn’t the outfit she had worn to the gym because I could smell her from where I was standing and she smelled like she had just jumped from of the shower. No makeup or nothing and she was still the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid eyes on.

“You ready, girl? Time is money,” I said, walking over to her fridge to see what she had to drink. I looked in it and saw a pitcher of fruit punch Kool-Aid and drank straight from the container. Charlie’s ass was still that same little ghetto girl from Liberty City, still drinking Kool-Aid and shit. I swear this money shit wasn’t changing her ass for shit and that’s why I still loved her ass so much. She didn’t get brand new and let that store that she got going on go to her head. My baby mama still shopped at Walmart and filled the cart up with hot sausages, pickled eggs, and all that other shit we used to get from the candy lady’s house. If I stayed my ass home long enough, I would be the same exact way.

“Quan, stop! I hate when you come over here and do that shit!” Charlie said, popping me on my hand like I was our daughter China.

“Whatever, girl. Let’s go. You ready?” I asked and she sucked her teeth and went over to the garbage to throw away the plastic bowl.

I watched her as she walked in front of me and my eyes stayed glued to her little waist and that tight ass that was filling out them tights. I damn near started drooling as I watched every step that she took.

“Stop looking at my ass, thirsty ass nigga,” Charlie joked and I laughed at her while playfully mushing her in the back of her head.

She set the alarm and we were out the door. When we got outside, Charlie turned around and looked at me, showing me that one dimple. I already knew what that look meant. Whenever she looked at me like that, that meant her ass was about to ask some shit that she knew, 9 times out of 10, I was going to say no to.

“Jaquan, you got to let me drive it, please?” she said, walking over to me, looking up at me.

“Hell no, girl! You are not about to drive my shit,” I said. I was about to walk around her but she blocked my path.

“Please, Jaquan. You’re going to be in there with me, what’s the worst that can happen? I’m doing you a favor by being in your video, so do me a favor and let me drive it,” she begged.

“Why your ass just don’t go buy your own one? You got way more than enough money,” I said, looking down at her.

“Why buy my own when you got one?” she said, smiling, and I shook my head.

“So I can drive it?” she asked, with hopeful eyes.

“Yeah, and if you crash my shit, I’m fuckin you up, Charlie. I’m dead ass serious,

” I said.

“Yes!” she said, speed walking to the car and throwing her Louis Vuitton handbag in the back.

I got inside the car and instructed her on how to get there. I couldn’t believe I let her ass sucker me into driving my shit. I watched as she weaved in and out of traffic in my shit, handling this car like a pro. I pulled out my phone and went to Instagram and started a video. I put the camera on her and recorded Charlie for the 15 seconds that it allowed me to and posted the video on Instagram, making the status say, “Got a bad bitch with me, I think I wanna fuck her,” along with a heart eyes emoji. Now watch all my hoes start blowing my phone up in a matter of seconds.

“Let a hoe say something to me because you trying to be funny on Instagram and watch how I slap they ass and then yours,” Charlie said, never looking in my direction but she knew I was doing something since I had the camera on her.

“Charlie, shut up. Ain’t nobody gone say nothing to your ass, girl” I said, laughing as I read the comments that people were already leaving.

Ten minutes later, we were pulling up to 63rd Street Apartments in Liberty City. That’s where Charlie and I grew up and I wanted to shoot this scene here. I had the shit all planned out. The video was going to start off with us being in school, which was Liberty City Elementary. This video was some real life shit so it was going to make it all the better to shoot it. I would start the video off in the cafeteria, where we had a little boy playing myself and he was going to pass the letter to the little girl that was going to play Charlie. Then the video was going to fast forward to three years later when Charlie attended Charles Drew Middle School with me and then she finally became my girlfriend. Those two scenes were done already, now we needed the real Jaquan and Charlie and this is where we came in at.

I told Charlie where to park the car and the whole 63rd Street was packed. People were standing out their doorsteps waiting to see me and just wanting the chance to be in my video.

“Quan, we need to start the scene where you was handing out your mixtapes over there on the corner. You got about ten minutes to get dressed. Let’s go, man,” my manager/best friend Quay snapped. When Quay was under pressure and in manager mode, his ass wasn’t somebody that you would want to be around. His ass was a perfectionist just like myself and the video just had to be the shit.

“Hey, you must be Charlie. We need you right now in hair and makeup,” one of the make-up artists said, coming our way, grabbing Charlie’s hand and pulling her towards my trailer. Charlie looked back at me and I gave her the thumbs up, telling her that she got it.

“Nigga, you know your ass done fucked up, bringing Charlie to do this photoshoot. You think niggas want her ass now, wait until this damn video air. Mothafuckas gone want to know who the fuck is that yellow bitch with that red hair,” Quay said and I waved him off, even though I knew what he was saying was true.

Chapter 6: Charlie

This was the first time that I had ever done something like this and honestly, I was nervous as hell. I felt like everything around me was moving so fast and I couldn’t help but feel like I was about to pass the hell out. I was wondering where the hell Monae and Toya’s asses were because I needed them here to help me relax my nerves. I was shocked that Jaquan had even called me to play the leading lady in his video, even if I did fit the description to a tee. Right now, I was in one of Jaquan’s trailer’s getting my hair and make-up done at the same time.

“Are you nervous?” one of the ladies asked me that was helping to style my hair.

“A little bit,” I said, looking at myself in the mirror as I watched them work on me.

Tags: Diamond Johnson Romance